Archive for the 'World' Category

Congress Passes Lobby Reform Bill

The U.S. Senate Thursday approved legislation that strengthens ethics and lobbying laws. The measure, which passed the House of Representatives earlier this week, now goes to President Bush for his signature. Deborah Tate reports from Capitol Hill.
The bill, which the Senate passed on an 83 to 14 vote, would bar members of the House and […]

The first ever YouTube debate aired on CNN last night and the consensus appears to be overwhelming — Barack Obama won by a landslide.
Some choice quotes from the media:
CNN: Randi Kaye on Focus Group Votes for Debate Winner: “When the debate ended the same group moving meters actually rated each candidate’s overall performance. And here is […]

The widow of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl has sued al-Qaida, other radical groups and one of Pakistan’s largest banks, blaming them for the torture and murder of her husband.
In her lawsuit, Mariane Pearl alleges Habib Bank Limited knowingly provided financial services to charities linked to extremist groups.  It says with the bank’s backing, […]

United Nations nuclear inspectors, after years of being banned from North Korea, have arrived in the North to verify the shutdown of Pyongyang’s main nuclear facility. The shutdown appears to be imminent. The inspectors’ visit coincides with the arrival in the North of a preliminary shipment of fuel oil from South Korea, and comes just […]