Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

House Approves New War Funding, Bush Vows Veto

In the latest challenge by Democrats to President Bush over funding for the war in Iraq, the House of Representatives has approved a new bill by a vote 221 to 205 to fund military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Dan Robinson reports the legislation only provides about half of what is required, and the president […]

Famed Russian Cellist Mstislav Rostropovich Dies At 80

World-renowned Russian classical musician and Soviet-era dissident Mstislav Rostropovich has died.
A family spokeswoman says Rostropovich - a conductor and composer who also was considered one of the best cellists of all time - died early Friday in Moscow after a long battle with cancer. He was 80-years-old.
Russian President Vladimir Putin called the death a terrible […]

The president of the CBS Corporation, Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves Thursday announced the company was permanently canceling the morning talk show of Don Imus. In a statement, the president said employees of the company have been “deeply upset” by Imus’ statements over the air.
The company initially had suspended Imus from broadcasting for two weeks […]

The mystery is now over — Dannielynn, Anna Nicole Smith’sdaughter, has a geneticdaddy match.
Dr. Michael Baird, the court’s DNA expert proclaimed that Larry Birkhead is the proud papa. “Essentially, he’s the biological father,” he said.
“I hate to be the one to tell you this but, I told you so,” said a jubilant Mr. Birkhead. […]