Archive for the 'PSP' Category

Konami recently unveiled a whopping seventeen new titles for various consoles last Friday on Gamers Day 2007. The biggest star of the bunch would have to be Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles due for release on PSPin Q4.
Here’s the nitty gritty of the new PSP title from Konami:
An update of the classic PC Engine title, […]

No PSP Price Cut For 2006

PSP price to remain the same
There’s one thing that’s a constant in covering any video gaming system that has every been released on the planet — rumors of a price cut. The latest have been whispers that Sony would be cutting the price of its PSP (PlayStation Portable) to under $200US. This would, in theory, […]

Nintendo Wii and PSP have a Metal Slug Anthology on the way that consists of six Metal Slug titles. One would think that would fulfill most gamers’ desire for MS, but SNK Playmore/Ignition Entertainment has upped the ante for Wii and PlayStation Portable.