Archive for the 'Microsoft' Category

Mark Rein, Vice President of Epic Games, is so impressed with his company’s Unreal Tournament III for PS3 that he has gone on the record saying that the graphics will surpass Gears Of War on Xbox 360.
“People are going to be pleasantly surprised,” he said of the PlayStation 3 title to website Pro-G. “It’s a really high end experience that […]

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts have given out their annual Video Game Award winners, and Wii Sports and Xbox 360’s BioShock both did considerably well.
By the time the ceremony was over, Wii Sports picked up a total of six of the thirteen awards:  Strategy and Simulation, Multiplayer, Casual And Social, Gameplay, Innovation, and naturally, […]

Microsoft is confident that the Xbox 360 has a “stronger position” than PS3 and that consumers will choose their next-gen console this Christmas season. Between the Elite coming out at £299.99 and the recent price drop of the other models,  the company may have a reason to be confident.
“If you look at PS3, it’s a […]

For yet another month, Wii has dominated both PS3 and Xbox 360 in the next-gen console race.   If you’re looking for drama in sales numbers, you’re just not going to find it — perhaps for a long time to come.
Nintendo Wii once again flew off the shelves, with NPD reporting 425,000 units sold in July.  […]