Archive for the 'Gaming' Category

An argument could easily be made that the massive success of Wii is directly tied into the innovative Wiimote, and it would certainly be a valid point. But could you picture a future in which Nintendo Wii didn’t use a controller at all?
According to Justin Rattner, chief technology officer over at Intel, that’s exactly what’s going to […]

When it comes to November product searches in the UK, Wii and DS were far ahead of the pack.
In a recent analysis of the Shopping and Classifieds category of Hitwise, Nintendo Wii took up a full 0.19% of searches.  Nintendo’s handheld DS took the two slot with 0.07%.  
According to Hitwise, the Wii accounts for a whopping 6 out […]

Mark Rein, Vice President of Epic Games, is so impressed with his company’s Unreal Tournament III for PS3 that he has gone on the record saying that the graphics will surpass Gears Of War on Xbox 360.
“People are going to be pleasantly surprised,” he said of the PlayStation 3 title to website Pro-G. “It’s a really high end experience that […]

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts have given out their annual Video Game Award winners, and Wii Sports and Xbox 360’s BioShock both did considerably well.
By the time the ceremony was over, Wii Sports picked up a total of six of the thirteen awards:  Strategy and Simulation, Multiplayer, Casual And Social, Gameplay, Innovation, and naturally, […]