Archive for the 'Movies' Category

Joel and Ethan Coen’s No Country For Old Men trailer has finally arrived online.  The movie is adapted from the Cormac McCarthy novel and has gotten rave reviews from the lucky few who saw it it Cannes.  And the trailer doesn’t disappoint.
Sure, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Kelly McDonald and Woody Harrelson all look great in […]

The latest movie by the controversial U.S. filmmaker Michael Moore has opened at the Cannes Film Festival in France. Moore is known for his harsh criticism of American culture. This time, he is taking on the U.S. health care system. And the U.S. government is reported to be investigating whether it can take him to […]

Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, arguably the best actors of their generation, will be pairing up to star in the $60 million indie production Righteous Kill. 
The two previously starred in The Godfather: Part 2, which De Niro won an Oscar for, but he and Pacino never appeared onscreen together.  Two decades later, the duo […]

Earlier today, Reuters reported that pirates in China had already created bootlegs of Spider-Man 3. 
“Costing just over $1 apiece, the pirated DVDs appear to be of the actual movie, complete with a picture of the hero in a new, black spider suit which he wears for some of the film,” the news agency reported.
The only […]