Author Archive for William Fletcher Archive Page

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has suspended Michael Vick indefinitely for his role in Bad Newz Kennels.  The suspension came just hours after Vick acknowledged that he bankrolled gambling on dogfighting and participated in the gruesome killing of some dogs that were deemed not worthy of fighting.
“Your admitted conduct was not only illegal, but also cruel and reprehensible. Your team, […]

Saying he has ‘no regrets’, Governor Tommy Thompson thanked his supporters Saturday night and officially left the campaign trail.
“I want to thank the people of Iowa who were welcoming and supportive as well as my volunteers and contributors from around the country,” said Thompson.   “I have no regrets about running. I felt my record as […]

Ever since Wii launched late last year, sales have been monumental.  In fact, Nintendo Wii is very close to surpassing Xbox 360 in sales globally, while Microsoft’s console was released a full year earlier.
To help sales a bit, Xbox 360 has been given a substantial price cut.  The standard model has been reduced $50 to $349.99 […]

Wii and table tennis are such a perfect match, it’s shocking nobody has come up with it until now.  Of course, it helps that Rockstar Games already had a ping pong game that was a critical darling on Xbox 360.  Nintendo Wii port, here we come!
Rockstar Games is proud to announce that Rockstar Games presents Table […]