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And the Virtual Console hits just keep on coming; Nintendo has announced four new titles that will be added this Monday.
Naturally, they must be purchased via the Points system, the online currency for Nintendo Wii. Don’t give in to the temptation to play these titles in the naughty fashion! Straight from the Big N, the […]

One can analyze the ongoing next-generation battle between Nintendo Wii and PS3, the newest entries in the field, every which way. But in the end, most gamers will agree with that when you boil it all down, we all want to have fun.
Mike Musgrove of the Washington Post recently did an informal study among his […]

The Wii craze is in full effect, and Amazon UK bore the brunt of it yesterday.
In less than a ten minute span, the website had to stop taking pre-orders because they had already sold out of their supply. The site now bears this sad notice:
We are currently unable to offer this item. It may be […]