Author Archive for Josh Foster Archive Page

An argument could easily be made that the massive success of Wii is directly tied into the innovative Wiimote, and it would certainly be a valid point. But could you picture a future in which Nintendo Wii didn’t use a controller at all?
According to Justin Rattner, chief technology officer over at Intel, that’s exactly what’s going to […]

A teenager who goes by the name AriX has just released iJailbreak, which promises to allow regular blokes to free their iPod Touch.
The software is described as an automated jailbreaker for the iPod Touch which is currently licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. It’s so darn easy,  the only user interaction required is to ”restart the iPod Touch […]

WWF Praises Al Gore For Nobel Peace Prize

The CEO of World Wildlife Fund, the world’s largest environmental organization, said today that the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to former Vice President Al Gore and the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognizes that climate change is one of the great destabilizing forces of our era and a root cause […]

A federal jury today decided that Jammie Thomas of Minnesota must pay $220,000 to 6 major music labels after she was found guilty of copyright violation via Kazaa, a peer-to-peer file sharing service. 
Ms. Thomas was the first of over 26,000 people that had been sued by the Recording Industry Association of America to take the battle to […]