Author Archive for Jeremy Stillman Archive Page

Wyeth Consumer Healthcare, a division of Wyeth, today announced it has initiated a voluntary recall and replacement program for all U.S. retail outlets that sell several Robitussin(R) products and Children’s Dimetapp
Cold & Chest Congestion.
The program involves removal of existing products
with a dosage cup that does not have a half-teaspoon mark, which is the
recommended dose for […]

Study Shows No Connection Between Vitamin D And Reduced Overall Cancer Deaths

No relationship was found between vitamin D levels and the overall risk of dying from cancer, according to a study published online October 30 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. However, higher vitamin D levels were associated with a decreased risk of colorectal cancer death.
Several epidemiological studies have supported the hypothesis that that […]

Barack Obama is still behind Hillary Clinton in the national polls, but in less than week, the campaign did the close the gap in the money department.
Third quarter results showed that Clinton had outraised Obama by $2.1 million.   Not to be discouraged by such matters, the campaign sent out a request to the grassroots: “I […]

How’s this for a slice of fried gold: Simon Pegg has just signed for J.J. Abrams’ upcoming Star Trek reboot to play Scotty, the ship’s Scottish chief engineer.  
Pegg, who has no lack of geek cred with starring roles in Spaced, Shaun Of The Dead, and Hot Fuzz (we refuse to acknowledge the existence of Big Nothing), will be […]