Author Archive for Ian Klein Archive Page

Barack Obama has responded to Rudy Giuliani’s claims that the United States would be less safe with a Democatic president. 
Pondering the fight against terrorism, on Tuesday Giuliani asserted that “If we are on defense [with a Democratic president], we will have more losses and it will go on longer.”
“I listen a little to the Democrats and […]

MSNBC has announced that they will no longer carry the simulcast of Don Imus’ morning radio show.
The news comes after major advertisers, such as Procter & Gamble, Aetna, and Geico all announced that they will no longer have anything to do with the program.
According to a statement just released by NBC, “effective immediately, MSNBC will […]

Wii and PS3 owners get a nifty little freebie today — Virgin Radio has announced a music player that’s compatible that’s compatible with both the Nintendo Wii and the PS3 browsers.
The fourstreams available for thetime beingare:Virgin Radio, Classic Rock, Radio Extreme, andRadio Groove. Users will alsobe able to buy tickets and CDs, as well as […]

Don Imus has leftthe building…for two weeks.
CBS Radio released a statement todayexplaining: “Due to the events of the past week, CBS Radio will suspend Don Imus and the broadcast of his show for a period of two weeks, effective Monday, April 16.”
The “events of the past week” referred to the racistlanguage usedduring his radio show […]