Marion Cotillard La Vie En Rose loved by Cate Blanchett and Ryan GoslingCate Blanchett and Ryan Gosling have something in common — they both were absolutely blown away by the performance of Marion Cotillard in La Vie En Rose.

“Marion Cotillard in La Vie En Rose was absolutely astonishing, and the synthesis of the performance with the whole film is superb,” gushed Blanchett recently.  “As much as inhabiting Piaf, she was also creating a creature, and I thought that was astonishing and inspiring. One of the most remarkable things I’ve ever seen.”

Ryan Gosling was next in line to shower praise upon the overlooked actress.
“Not only did she craft a flawless impersonation of a famous personality, but Marion’s humanity elevated her performance to a devastatingly honest and yet seemingly effortless personification of integrity and grace,” Gosling declared.  “To me, this is more than just a great performance; it’s a document of this actress’s overwhelming ability to love.”

All too often, the Academy omits  some of the best performances of the year seemingly for the sole crime of being in a language other than English.  (Yes, we’re still bitter about Javier Bardem getting snubbed for The Sea Inside.)  

If the same tragedy were to befall Ms. Cotillard this time around, it will be an embarrassing blemish on the collective conscience of every voter who failed to experience the single most powerful and moving performance of the year because of an utterly insignificant thing like subtitles.   

Choose wisely, boys and girls.  We beseech you.

Source: Variety

2 Responses to “Cate Blanchett & Ryan Gosling Heart Marion Cotillard”

  1. 1 Al

    I couldn’t agree more.

  2. 2 ann

    The most brilliant performance I’ve ever seen.

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