Amy Fisher Sex Tape - Caught on TapeThere’s an Amy Fisher sex tape that’s already in the can and set to be sold starting next month.

“Amy Fisher Caught on Tape” was filmed by her husband,  Lou Bellera, who then sold the tape while the couple was split up.  Bellera was upset at the time because the “Long Island Lolita” had started dating Joey Buttafuoco, of all people.

“I did it out of the heat of anger and passion,” Bellera explained to The New York Post.

“We were estranged. She was seeing Joey. I was seething about the whole thing. It just came to a point where I was hurt and embarrassed by it . . . and it pressed the wrong button. I just used that as a vehicle to strike back at her.”

He sold the tape to Light District Video, but in the meantime, the couple have reconciled and she is willing to forgive him and work things out.

“We have two beautiful children, and we have a nice life, so we have to think about that,” she said.

Naturally, she thought the tape was going to be for their eyes only.

“It’s all fun and games,”said Fisher. “I never thought that . . . anything like this would ever happen.”

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