Peter Jackson Ryan Gosling Mark Wahlberg Lovely Bones Alice SeboldWho would you rather have starring in your movie, Ryan Gosling or Mark Wahlberg? 

If we had our druthers, we’d go with Mr. Gosling, but it looks like our preferences have been overruled when it comes to the big screen adaptation of Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones to be directed by Peter Jackson. 

Due to the always vague “creative differences”,  Variety is reporting that Gosling has left the set the day the before shooting, even after having gained twenty pounds and having grown a beard for the role.  

Mark Wahlberg quickly came in and signed on for the role of Jack Salmon, the devastated father in the upcoming movie.  Wahlberg, who was nominated for a best supporting actor Oscar last year for The Departed, will star alongside Rachel Weisz as the grieving mom.

Between the breakup with Rachel McAdams and now this heartbreaking news — it’s been a hard week for Gosling fans.

2 Responses to “Peter Jackson's Lovely Bones Loses Ryan Gosling”

  1. 1 Anita

    He lost the best part of himself when he walked away from Rachel.

  2. 2 Frankie

    What a shame, Golsing is such an intelligent smart capable actor. I just dont understand why he would back out on working with such an amazing director?
    i was definatley looking forward to seeing Gosling as Jack.
    A sad loss, and as a fan of both men very dissapointing.

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