Barack ObamaBarack Obama is still behind Hillary Clinton in the national polls, but in less than week, the campaign did the close the gap in the money department.

Third quarter results showed that Clinton had outraised Obama by $2.1 million.   Not to be discouraged by such matters, the campaign sent out a request to the grassroots: “I need you to make a donation to close the gap.”

They delivered late Friday night.

“The success of this drive is a clear example of how we can change politics together. Tens of thousands of ordinary people stepping up to close the gap, determined to make your voice heard above that of the special interests and Washington lobbyists,” wrote David Plouffe on the official website.

“People out there are hungry for change that they can believe in, and we know the more people learn about Barack Obama, the better we do. Your time, your dollars and your willingness to reach out to people on behalf of this cause will make the difference.”

1 Response to “Barack Obama Closes Gap With Hillary Clinton”

  1. 1 Julie

    It shows how people are hungry for change and they believe in Obama, that is why they give to his cause unlike hilary who is taking money from illegal chinese immigrants and also collecting money from a chain of child trafficking business from china. imagine that?!!

    She is selling out America, just because she wants to advance her political quest for power. l do not believe her and l see distrust when l watch her speak. she does not care for ordinary people like you and me.

    Barack Obama for president!

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