J.J. Abrams Star Trek Movie Simon Pegg is ScottyHow’s this for a slice of fried gold: Simon Pegg has just signed for J.J. Abrams’ upcoming Star Trek reboot to play Scotty, the ship’s Scottish chief engineer.  

Pegg, who has no lack of geek cred with starring roles in Spaced, Shaun Of The Dead, and Hot Fuzz (we refuse to acknowledge the existence of Big Nothing), will be taking on the role that was made famous by the late James Doohan in the original series.

Casting for the film has sped up exponentially of late, with Eric Bana having recently signed on to play the villain (or at least one of ‘em.)   Not much is known about the plot of the movie, except that it takes place in the early days of Captain Kirk and his many USS Enterprise crew compatriots during their time at Starfleet Academy.

Variety reports that the new Trek is still on schedule for its November start date for shooting, and barring any sort of catastrophic strike, will be released on Christmas Day 2008.

1 Response to “Simon Pegg Is Scotty In New Star Trek Movie!”

  1. 1 TJ

    Star Trek died today, but this film had been very ill for a long time now.

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