Apple iPhone Unlocking WoesThere’s nothing worse than spending $599 for an aesthetically pleasing brick. 

But that’s exactly what may happen to iPhone users who have used naughty methods in order to unlock their beloved devices.   According to Apple, the next software update might not just relock their phones back to their original setting, but they may be rendered completely inoperable.

“Apple has discovered that many of the unauthorized iPhone unlocking programs available on the Internet cause irreparable damage to the iPhone’s software, which will likely result in the modified iPhone becoming permanently inoperable when a future Apple-supplied iPhone software update is installed,”  the company publicly warned consumers today. 

“Apple strongly discourages users from installing unauthorized unlocking programs on their iPhones. Users who make unauthorized modifications to the software on their iPhone violate their iPhone software license agreement and void their warranty. The permanent inability to use an iPhone due to installing unlocking software is not covered under the iPhone’s warranty.”

Is this simply a scare tactic in order to keep customers wholesome, or a sign of the end of days?  We suppose it’ll become much clearer once the next update takes place. 

3 Responses to “Apple: Your Unlocked iPhone May Brick During Next Update”

  1. 1 jackson

    I smell class action lawsuit!

  2. 2 bill b

    Hey folks, Just because our country is so stupid, why does Apple feel obliged to emulate US foreign policy? Stop it already… Dear Steve J… fix your phones so ATT AND everyone else can enjoy them.

  3. 3 nairb

    As long as the phone is on the EDGE, I’ll never buy one anyway.

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