July NPD Wii PS3 Xbox 360For yet another month, Wii has dominated both PS3 and Xbox 360 in the next-gen console race.   If you’re looking for drama in sales numbers, you’re just not going to find it — perhaps for a long time to come.

Nintendo Wii once again flew off the shelves, with NPD reporting 425,000 units sold in July.  Xbox 360 came in number two for next-gens, selling 170,000 consoles.  Sony gained momentum for PS3 with their price cut during the month, but PlayStation 3 still came in third with 159,000.   Can Sony take the coveted #2 spot next month?  Maybe this is where the drama lies.

Game sales were also strong for mid-summer.

“July is typically one of the slower months for the video game industry, falling between June and the related Father’s Day and graduation gift occasions, and before Madden month,” said NPD analyst Anita Frazier.

“Despite the summer slowdown, the industry still realized nearly $1 billion in sales for the month, and year-to-date is up nearly 43% from the same time period in 2006. At this pace, it is on track to ring up $16-$18B for the year.”

A larger version of the pic and more fun Wii Safety manual images can be found at The Icon Factory.

Source: Gamasutra

9 Responses to “Nintendo Wii Dominates Xbox 360, PS3 Again”

  1. 1 Dood

    What the hell is that guy doing with his Wii?

  2. 2 Steven

    What the hell is that guy doing with his Wii? — Dood

    I’m glad that I’m not the only one to notice that. What ever it is that he’s doing - he’s into it!

  3. 3 Dud

    Which one of his Wiis?

  4. 4 gus

    Now this story is actually interesting. It is also exciting to hear about the new Play TV device that is going to come out for the PS3. Too bad it’s only going to come out in Europe.

  5. 5 ncik

    lolz that pic is featured on google news frontpage

  6. 6 Les

    That’s the whole reason I clicked on the article.

    Is he stealing it?

  7. 7 Agrajag

    Here is the actual image caption from the unedited version of the Nintendo Wii saftey instructions from their user’s guide.

    “Never grab the console while being used, screaming MINE MINE, and try to run out the front door with it. You will rip the cords out of the unit, ruining it, and everyone else’s good time. “

  8. 8 Chad

    Funny! - Now we know what he’s doing with it. He really looked into it.


  9. 9 TNP

    They should at least give credit to Gizmodo (pantsworthy) as the source for that image. It was based on a parody of a picture in a (beta?) Japanse owners’ maual of the Nintendo Wii. It was never clear if Nintendo was serious about their advice about not stuffing the Wii down you pants, but Gizmodo snapped it up as a meme and now even has a section of gear reviews called: Pantsworthy. Portable Planet no doubt knows this. True professionals would at least give credit where credit is due -especially when it involves page hits from Google News.

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