Michael Vick Will Plead Guilty In Illegal Dogfighting Case
Published by John Phillips August 21st, 2007 in Sports.Atlanta Falcons starting quarterback Michael Vick is entering a plea of guilty in the illegal dogfighting case in order to avoid any further charges.
“After consulting with his family this weekend Michael Vick asked that I announce today that he has reached an agreement with federal prosecutors regarding the charges pending against him,” said lead attorney Billy Martin in a written statement.
“He has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to the charges and accept full responsibility for his actions and the mistakes he has made. Michael wishes to apologize everyone who has been hurt by this matter,” Martin’s statement concluded.
The charges could bring a maximum of prison time for five years plus a $250,000 fine for each defendant. According ABC News sources, given the heinousness of the crime, it might not be possible for him to avoid prison time.
Too bad he isn’t in China. They could just string this scumbag up. Better yet, throw him in a pool with a bunch of hungry sharks and take bets on how long he lasts.
We are all over Vick and how awful his acts are. Why don’t I just take a rope and tie it ever so tightly around the testacles of a male cow (a bull) and call it a sport, let’s say ‘bull riding’. Is that a crime or is that animal abuse?
Well, is it? Because if it is, then we need to look at that too. If animal crulity is the real issue.
Very true about the bull riding…however…why is race always brought up every time someone does something wrong? Why is it used as a scape goat?
If he was in China they wouldnt give a shit. People care to much about pets and dont care about their fellow humans. Animal rights activist are just a bunch of dipshits with nothing to do.
Some of you are missing the point: DOG FIGHTING IS ILLEGAL, PERIOD! He voluntarily, repeatedly, committed a crime. Let’s not try to justify it by comparing it to other seemingly inhume acts that are still legal. Breaking the law is just that, no different than drunk driving or posession of drugs. He knew better, now he is going to pay the price. And the fact that torture and crippling of innocent animals was going on is what makes people hate him even more. It’s all inexcusable and sick behavior regardless of WHO does it! I never was a Vick fan, but now I hope he rots in jail and meets some big dog-loving thug that can make him his “girlfriend”.
Hellooooo? They eat dogs in China, so if anything, they would have supported him. Bull riding is bad, but at least they’re not electrocuting or drowning the bulls if they don’t do a good job. Bottom line, make him serve his time and if he still has a shot at football again, then they should let him play…
Who gives a crap about China? Let’s focus on the issue. Pit bulls have such a bad rep because jackholes like Mikey turn them into killing machines. Do you have any idea what’s involved in dogfighting? They use a “sacrificial dog” in order to insight the lust for blood. Not to mention the steriods and physical abuse to make these dogs mean and viscious. It’s sick and depraved and sadistic. Amen to rotting in jail.
This wasn’t about dog fighting. It was more about gambling across state lines. That’s why it became a Federal Case. In most cases it would have been a State matter only, but Michael Vick’s name attached to Bad Newz Kennel attracted more people to the dog fights and high stakes betting was taking place. I’m also pretty sure that other athletes were involved in the betting. The reason he took the plea was 1st because the other defendants took plea bargains and 2nd because there were other athletes in professional sports involved. He had to take the fall. The Feds added in the dog cruelty part to add more charges against him, basically to make his life a living hell…..which he does deserve……because let’s face it he’s a cock sucker who had it coming. Ron Mexico anyone??? He gave a woman herpes, he was caught with mary jane when getting on or was it off a plane and i’m sure there have been other incidents with him.
Now the flip side, because I love playing devil’s advocate. I believe all types of animal cruelty should be banned and people who partake in it should be punished. Deer hunting or any type of animal hunting where guns, rifles or bow and arrows are involved should be banned. The animals are defenseless, all they can do is run. Hunting is wrong!!! The only reason its still a sport is because the NRA and the gun companies feed the pocket linings of conservative ***holes in politics…..there I said it. So before the f***ing world goes and attacks Vick for being cruel, rest of you ***holes pointing fingers at him, need to take a good look at all the other animal killers out there!!!!! and i’m pretty sure some of you are animal killers in some form.
see we as people should be able to see eye to eye but i gess a 15 year old kid has to tale u see we all have ups & down like me i been to jail 14 times so we all mess up some where like god said he who has not sin throw the frist stone so what that is saying for this is he how has not messed up please throw him in jail but think abaut all the people you are hartting because so many people have dogfigths and in some states have cowfigths but this is G.A. so we are soppos to be free
Stop bothering this poor man who did nothing wrong.
Oh, YAWN, for sure.
Anyone who does that kind of stuff is a dirtbag — I hope to be able to string Vick and all of his kind up, including the supporter-suckers, YAWN. I love how this has now become a political theme - it’s all the conservatives’ fault! Oh yeah, because a true conservative LIVES to abuse animals. Oh, boy, that’s rich.
No one is talking about the hanging and other horrible things that go along with dogfighting of any type. You will not get the full story due to the fact that he has taken a plea deal, until the freedom of information act is enacted by the Human society. Then you will hear details that will make your hair stand up. Remember these dogs dont train like humans, they are trained by killing other animals. They kill cats, small dogs and pigs and the list goes on. They refer to this as bait. They also have to gain the trust of the dog/dogs just like any family would do when they get a new puppy or when you rescue a dog from the pound. So if you are ever unfortunate enough to have seen any of these murderous events, you will see & hear how the owners get the dogs to fight by yelling their names, just like you would do to get your dog to sit, lay down or to come back. Dont let them fool you to think this is another black against white issue either. Guaranteed, there are more whites involved in this then they are telling you. Should Michael Vick be redeemed? NO! He is a predator and thrives on violence. He has issues and should seek help instead of continuing his so called mediocre career as a professional ball player.
This is not a sport period! Hunting is not a sport period! Rodeo is not a sport period! Fishing is not a sport period! The animals do not have the capacity to SAY NO! Until they (the animals) have that capacity, getting rid of all these murderous events will, and I repeat will not disrupt anything, PERIOD!
So be a human, think like a human.
Why is everyone talking about rotting in jail when he is only facing a MAXIMUM of 5 years? Also, who said anything about race? If that is the case I hope he gets off like P.Hilton who had a “nervous breakdown” 1 day into her sentence….
Dear Mr. White,
If Mike Vick was White would the NAACP endeavor to make sure this White man got his career back on track after serving his time and paying his fine for viscously murdering dogs?
Ummmm, with all due respect Dr. White it was not “just a dog” Mike Vick murdered, but 8 or more dogs….Get the facts straight, please.
Some people say that dog fighting is predominantly a Hispanic and Black sport. I don’t think the NAACP is going to win any acceptance from the White, Chinese, or any other non-Black or non-Hispanic community if all the NAACP is concerned about is trying to get another Black man an opportunity to not face what’s justly deserving of him…. the man brutally drowned, hung, beat and electrocuted dogs - I don’t care if this man is White, Red, Black, Yellow - he’s evil and why should this bastard be reinstated into a sport that’s reserved for respectable players who follow the law and strive to become heroes our kids love?
Give me a break Dr. White, when are you and NAACP going to realize that slavery ended decades ago and time has come for the Black man to move on! If anything you should be seriously admonishing Mike Vick for embarrassing your culture!
What about those poor dogs Mike Vick brutally murdered? Do they count?
When pit bulls are born they are the cutest puppies who want nothing more but to love unconditionally, and here we have a man of color that the NAACP wants to literally exonerate by virtue of is color, just like what happened with O.J. Simpson.
Dr. White we have a Black and Hispanic culture in the United States who doesn’t give a damn about dogs - their enjoyment is sadistically sporting brutality with no conscience whatsoever….and you, along with the NAACP want to support this by pooh-poohing the fact that Mike Vick MURDERD helpless dogs sadistically?
All you see is another high-profile Black man (like O.J. Simpson) and you, along with the NAACP want nothing more but have this Black man vindicated regardless of his brutal crime(s).
Again, Dr. White, would you, along with the NAACP be this passionate if Mike Vick was White, Chinese, etc??? Where were you and the NAACP when Pete Rose got busted for gambling? Did you or the NAACP campaign to have Pete Rose inducted in baseballs hall of fame? Hello?
I seriously would reconsider not campaigning in Mike Vick’s favor; there are too many animal lovers in this world who are not just going to sit by and allow you, along with the NAACP try and spin, slice and dice, or bullshit why Mike Vick deserves to play football again - why, because he’s Black? There are too many decent Black people in the United States that you are going to insult by virtue of your ridiculous campaign – you and the NAACP are doing your own people a total injustice here.
Mike Vick should NEVER play in the NFL again for what he did, and my family, friends (of ALL color) will participate in many protests to come regarding this issue.
Spray him with a hose, hand him a frayed extension cord.
End of issue.
End of Michael.
Sure he can play football again! IN HELL.
He deserves the death penalty, dogs are for loving and caring for… not to have a UFC match with other dogs… its sick and twisted… anyone who does this kinda sh*t is a psycopath… plain and simple… inject him!!!!!
what he did was illegal and he should be punished appropriately. that being said dogs are NOT PEOPLE!
yeah he may have had a hand in killing a few dogs which is not your usual every day entertainment but hey the fruity shampoo you wash your hair with every day was tested by rubbing soap in fluffy little bunnys eyes, i have no idea how many rats died from uber boners while they got your Viagra formula right … they test all sorts of nasty things you use every day on pigs and monkeys … so dont get so high and mighty about some guy who got his jollys watching dogs fight
ive killed my fair share of animals too. scores of gophers and other target varmints …. for sport, more chickens than i can count(with my bare hands and a bloody hatchet), couple of cows… put a few pets and other animals hit on the road out of their misery
why are you people worried about a half dozen dogs when there are nearly 4,000 babys killed EACH DAY here in the US. oh wait, they werent babys, they were fetuses which makes it ok to kill them….
did you know we kill more babys here in the US each day than hitler killed Jews each day?
oh but no one cares about that - SAVE THE FLUFFY DOGGIES!
Re: jonny comment
Actually a true conservative lives to abuse everyone and everything jonny boy, even the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution are not safe. You must be a bit slow, because you failed to read my entire comment. I was playing devil’s advocate by stating both sides of this pointless media driven story. Are you part of the KKK or some neonazi type group JONNY, because you talking about stringing up Michael Vick and people of his kind, sounds borderline Racist!!! Oh and Gerry stop wasting your time talking to Dr. White, he doesn’t read this blog.
Now to the facts; Michael Vick was part of a dog fighting ring where high stakes gambling was involved and he is going to jail for it. He probably won’t ever be in the NFL ever again, unless he decides to be a waterboy. I’m sure the CFL or AFL will let him play or he can try his acting skills in the WWE. This story is boring now. The question of the day should be; Who is worse MICHAEL VICK (Killing Dogs), PAC MAN Jones (supposedly beat up a stripper and had his people shoot up the strip club which injured a guard that was shot twice, and one of the people hit, former professional wrestler Tommy Urbanski, was paralyzed from the waist down) or RAY LEWIS (supposedly involved in stabbing to death of Jacinth Baker and Richard Lollar, which later the murder charges were dismissed and Lewis pleaded guilty in a plea bargain to a misdemeanor charge of obstruction of justice; he also agreed to testify against 2 other defendants, who were each charged with murder, they were both aquitted in 2000 and in 2004 Ray Lewis settled with both the Lollar and Baker families for a sum of money)? So which one is worse? Don’t compare them, they are all different crimes.
well Yawn, at least the deer can run. thats a luxury cows, pigs, chickens and many others dont have. perhaps we should stop eating all meat. until you actually go hunting, you will never know just how many advantages the animals have. they can see you at 3000 yards, smell you at 1000, and run 5 times faster than a human. to get a shot with a rifle you average less than 200 yard shots and a bow is 10-20 yards. they have plenty of chances to get away.
Dear Yawn, Love the devil’s advocate bit. Well, at least I can proudly say I “walk the walk”. I’ve been vegan for 6 years, and frankly, often do have a softer spot in my heart for animals than most people. You gotta love the responses about all the “advantages” the animals have when it comes to hunting! They have highly developed survival skills for NATURAL predators, who really only hunt to survive. We domesticated dogs for our mutual benefit. Frankly, we have become so selfish that we know longer care for what they need as long as a buck can be made. Vick didn’t care about his dogs. They were status symbols for him. And yet he was allowed a breeders license! The gambling in the eyes of the law is very much secondary, to the felony death matches he sponsored, lied about and hid. That cocky mother thought he was above the law as so many pro athletes do. And call me heartless, but my heart bleeds much more for the 60 or so animals that lived a life of suffering and have surely been euthanized, then some coke snorting, furcoat wearing, cheating husband whose wife will make out like a bandit. RIP Man’s Best Friend
Joe, buddy, check your facts about the bull testicles tied together. I don’t condone bullfighting (or rodeos, horse or dog racing, circuses, or even zoos for that matter) they rope the hind legs of the bulls not the testicles in order to prevent them from kicking or injuring the rider since bulls move both side to side as well as up and down, unlike bucking horses.
One last thing, William, if it’s true you have been to jail that often, who are your role models? Supposed to be free, you say? Seems like freedom is not a choice you are making. I would love to help you, mentor you, write to you if you would like to have someone out there who cares. I bet you’re a great guy if given the chance and learn to make better choices. I’m a Georgia girl myself. If you reach out, I promise to be there. Don’t be like Mike!
I don’t believe Vick should be convicted. I believe all the hunters should be penalized. Vick is a great guy and they just had to find something to end the great Micheal Vick’s career.Keep your head up Vick and hang in there and all yall haters get off his D**K and stop hatin B***Hes
its bad but people r humans