Nibris Wii Sadness Cubed3It looks like heartbreak may be on the horizon for Wii owners — the super-arty upcoming title Sadness may not be released until 2009. 

The Nintendo Wii bummer comes by way of Nibris, who recently talked about the status of the title with the website Cubed3.

When asked when the game is coming out, Nibris replied thusly: “When we are sure that Sadness is as good as we want it to be. This means that the game will be released no earlier than Q4 2008, and maybe even in sometime in 2009. This game will be a completely new thing in Game Industry. ”

Despite the delays, the developer is still quite enthusiastic about the project.

“There are, of course, some limits in developing, but any other platform would not give us the opportunity to create Sadness the way we want. As for development costs, I don’t talk about them, although in this case they are really big.”

Nibris also stated that the title will not be coming to DS as well, since “this game can be done only for Nintendo Wii.”

2 Responses to “No Nintendo Wii Sadness Until 2009?”

  1. 1 Tom

    Damn! I am really looking forward to this title.

  2. 2 Vizion

    Don’t have a problem with that. I rather have them take their time to make a masterpiece than to rush it to the market.

    More developers should take their time with their products like Nibris. Otherwise there wouldn’t be so much garbage out there.

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