Mariane Pearl sues Al-QaedaThe widow of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl has sued al-Qaida, other radical groups and one of Pakistan’s largest banks, blaming them for the torture and murder of her husband.

In her lawsuit, Mariane Pearl alleges Habib Bank Limited knowingly provided financial services to charities linked to extremist groups.  It says with the bank’s backing, terrorists kidnapped, tortured and beheaded Daniel Pearl and broadcast the images.

The suit seeks an unspecified amount of money. 

Daniel Pearl was the South Asia bureau chief of the Journal when he was kidnapped in the Pakistani city of Karachi in January 2002 while seeking an interview with suspected Islamist militants.

A videotape of Pearl’s killing was sent to the U.S. embassy in Karachi.

British-born militant Omar Sheikh and three other men have been convicted of his murder.

Source: VOA

1 Response to “Mariane Pearl Sues Al-Qaeda, Habib Bank Limited”

  1. 1 not so mighty heart

    Why Marine is suing now?? After all those years why she’s doing this now?
    I think she’s doing this for publicity. Completely. She’s trying to prolong the spot light on the film which has just tanked quickly in America.

    This film hasn’t hit europe yet. Paramount vantage and Plan B are waiting for the bafta season which starts prior to the oscar. They want to release it in Europe just before the bafta to get more publicity. Mariane is doing what she can to help people remember the film and to resurrect the film if you like.

    In my view this woman should be totally ashamed of herself. She’s using her dead husband to help to resurrect a friend’s career as well as Pitt’s bank balance. Paravount vantage, Plan B and Mariane Pearl should be TOTALLY ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES!!!!

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