WWE Vehemently Denies Chris Benoit Roid Rage' Connection, claims steroid could not haver been involved

While the world continues to ponder why Chris Benoit murdered both his wife and son followed by the taking of his own life,  World Wrestling Entertainment has issued a statement vehemently denying the allegations that steroids played a role.

The statement reads as follows:

World Wrestling Entertainment is stunned and saddened by the details released by local authorities concerning the double homicide-suicide involving Chris Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and his son, Daniel.

However, WWE is concerned with the sensationalistic reporting and speculation being undertaken by some members of the media following the press conference held by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department and the District Attorney. During the press conference, the investigating authorities made the following points, all of which run contrary to the media speculation that “roid rage” was a factor in the senseless murders and suicide:

The authorities stated that all drugs found in the house were believed to be legal prescriptions.

Steroids were not, and could not, be related to the cause of death (asphyxiation). Authorities had no factual basis to speculate as to Benoit’s state of mind, and rightly did not do so.

Toxicology tests have not even been completed, so there is no current evidence that Benoit even had steroids or any other substance in his body. In that regard, on the last test done by WWE’s independently administered drug testing program, done on April 10, 2007, he tested negative.

The physical findings announced by authorities indicate deliberation, not rage. The wife’s feet and hands were bound and she was asphyxiated, not beaten to death. By the account of the authorities, there were substantial periods of time between the death of the wife and the death of the son, again suggesting deliberate thought, not rage. The presence of a Bible by each is also not an act of rage.

WWE strongly suggests that it is entirely wrong for speculators to suggest that steroids had anything to do with these senseless acts, especially when the authorities plainly stated there is no evidence that Benoit had steroids in his body, pending the toxicological reports, and that they had no evidence at this time as to the motive for these acts.

WWE is continuing to monitor the ongoing investigation being conducted by local authorities.

2 Responses to “WWE Vehemently Denies Chris Benoit 'Roid Rage' Connection”

  1. 1 Gord

    It’s sad to see when this kind of stuff happens.Wrestelers lead a very strssful life I’m sure with the traveling and always haveing to be in top shape. They should have to see a counsellor on a regularly to have some to vent to. I sadens my heart to know that I will never see him in the ring again I looked up to him. But most of all when I herd he was dead I though that him and Eddie Gerero would be in heven haveing the match of all time. The two best in the game back together again I hope that he repented and the lord had mercy to reunite the two long time friends. When it’s my time to leave this life I hope to be frount row in heven watching Eddie and Chris show everyone what its like when your the best. My heart goes out to the little boy who lost his life as well. But we need remember as I do to that we are all at risk to do the things that knowone ever thinks we could do. I have done many bad things in my life to my family and eventhough the pain and scars are there they still love me and I have found forgiveness through the lord. So Chris I hope you asked for forgivness I can’t say I aggree with what you did but I can relate to how it must have been in some small way I will pray for you your wife and most of all your little boy that loved you so. Lets not remember him by this he was a good man who was loved by all that was lost for a moment in satins grasp.I know I will remember the guy I loved to see in the ring my hero and not the man he is being made out to be it could happen to anyone at anytime.

  2. 2 victoria

    CHRIS BENOIT DID NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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