New Britney Spears Album Put On HiatusBritney Spears is out of rehab and has been in the studio of late, but it looks like her next musical venture is being pushed back until 2008.

I put her on hiatus,” her rep Leslie Sloane Zelnik told Life & Style. “Brit’s album is pushed until ‘08. If she has no album, there’s no reason to do anything.  Let’s go on hiatus until we have a campaign to do.”

An unnamed source told the magazine that things have not been going well with the comeback.  Apparently, nobody has been seeing eye to eye on the project.

“I’m surprised the album wasn’t pushed back to 2009,” the source said. “Everything’s up in the air with the album right now. Jive hated the songs Britney was coming up with, except for a few. The executives are not happy. And she didn’t want to listen to anyone. Everything was a problem for her. They wanted her to work with certain people, and she wanted the opposite.” 

Source: MTV

3 Responses to “New Britney Spears Album Put On Hiatus”

  1. 1 teen spirit

    that’s not true, it will be released late 2007. I KNOW that

  2. 2 Mark Anthony

    hey! i know that britney will release her album late this 2007. im anticipating for the album title..

  3. 3 Blake

    This was already confirmed false by ET.

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