AT&T prepares for Apple iPhone launchAT&T is gearing up for the launch of the iPhone, which is set to take place on June 29th at exactly 6 p.m. in 1,800 of the company’s stores. 

To prepare for the onslaught of consumers, the stores will be kept open for an extra hour on the first day.   Additionally, Larry Carter, senior vice president of sales for AT&T, says the company has added a whopping 2,000 extra sales people to stores.  

Yet with all the preparations, he predicts demand will still outnumber supply.

“We fully expect one or more of our stores to run out of stock on the first or second day — my guess is the first day,” he admitted.

On June 29, AT&T will also unveil new service plans specifically designed for the much-anticipated gadget.    So don’t expect to surf the net sideways for free.

“Regardless of which device you’re using today, you pay us a certain amount for (voice) minutes, and you also pay us for data units,” explained Carter. “That is also true on the iPhone.”

Source: USA Today

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