Sega Steinberg Talks Wii And PS3Even though Wii is far surpassing PS3 and Xbox 360 ever since launch,  old-school publishers like Sega are still expressing concerns over the longevity of Nintendo’s console.

“I am a little concerned about the creative depth of the Wii pool.  I’m not sure if they will top out in 2008 or 2007,” said Scott Steinberg, vice president of marketing for the U.S. unit of Sega, to Reuters.

“The Wii will start to look really dated in a couple years when developers get more value from the 360 and learn more and more about the PlayStation 3,” Steinberg said.

He told Reuters that he believes PlayStation 3 will eventually be declared the winner of the next-gen race.  “”We know the PS3 pool is pretty deep. There’s a lot to exploit there,” he said.

11 Responses to “Sega Exec Has Nintendo Wii Concerns, PS3 Hopes ”

  1. 1 lucas

    the ps3 will win easy price drops are assured a lot of people who all ready own sonys to buy and dont forget the exclusives

  2. 2 dafda

    The ps3 has one of the best tech out of all 3 systems. Blue-ray is winning the dvd race and can store more spaces.

  3. 3 james

    the 360 will win easy price drops are likely and that will put it at a price closer to the wii giving it high def and low cost. people love to buy affordable consoles and get high def content. plus the 360 has more games than any other next gen console and more are being added to it than any other console. Sony has to limit its price drops because it’s currently losing at least $200 per console and with a assumed $100 price drop they lose at least $300 each console. microsoft makes a profit now on every console sold and they can afford to make price cuts without huge losses. not to mention the 360 has been basically stealing exclusives from sony. beautiful katamari will be a 360 exclusive even though it was originally only on ps2 and psp. with few games and even fewer exclusives ps3 wont hold its own. easy win for the xbox 360

  4. 4 ricky lakhay

    they are absolutely right. the wii hype will die down soon as there won’t be much more that can be done with the wii in terms of games released. sooner or later when hardcore games like mgs 4, gta 4 etc people will see that it really is pointless in having a wii. unless they release a virtual porn game and the wii mote is the dick. but what are the chances

  5. 5 Jedi

    Sony does not have a chance at this point. The best thing they can do is drop the price to $400, essentially giving away Blu-Ray for free. That will give them a value proposition that can outdo 360, but they still will not outsell Wii.

    Wii is just getting started.

  6. 6 yodelyfish

    dont forget tho…since the ps3 screwed up in the beginning, its losing all of its killer apps….like gta4 and assassin’s creed….and rumors of mgs have been goin around…also nintendo has alot comin out in the future…i still think xbox will be winner in all of it…halo 3 just will decimate anything…its rediculous how much its past 2 games sold

  7. 7 yodelyfish

    also this is what everyone said about the ds…but its goin strong

  8. 8 Archestratus

    I think Sega is the last company I’d take console-related advice from. If there’s a company who’s completely out of touch with the console sale cycle, Sega’s the one.

  9. 9 Cander

    SEGAgiving advice about the future of gaming consoles?? does anyone remember the saturn and dreamcast? they obviously dont know anything about consoles.
    However, they do have a point, but just like the ds and psp, power wont matter in the end as much as the market base. The Wii is fun but not for very long, they need some games that are not party games and need to get some sharper graphics, if metriod prime 3 doesnt deliver im going to be VERY disapointed.
    also, this low tech revolution that nintendo is leading is bad for games, ds and wii have very cool controls but at what cost,

  10. 10 Bing

    BS! Wii hasn’t even launched some of the best games for it yet! Mario Party 8 is just getting started, and we still have Mario Kart Wii, Metroid Prime 3, ANOTHER Zelda Wii game, Smash Bros Brawl, PLUS the 3rd party games. That, coupled with free online play, will make Wii the top console this time around.

    It’s the 360 and PS3 that will fizzle out - and for one reason alone: they’ve got NOTHING new! Same genres, same play style, same focus! When was the last time you picked up a 360 game and DIDN’T know the button scheme? I don’t remember, because it’s the SAME control methods as they’ve used in EVERY game of that genre.

    The Wii has so much add-on ability, I don’t know how retards like Sega (who clearly are not, themselves, so smart when it comes to consoles; after all, they had to bail out after Dreamcast) could possibly think Wii will fail.

  11. 11 Shredder

    I know the wii will win this generation because they have lost the last two consoles. Yamamoto could be right if his theory of self intuative is corret for the market at this time. From my perspective, I have seen many teens as they get older, there are limitations of playing games it dosen’t matter how adapt they are. There are many distractions to pull you away from the gaming industry. Pschylogically, if you are an average person, you don’t really have a lot of times to play games, and wii is a very good system to enjoy for certain times when you are free. I think that Wii is a very good system even though it doesn’t have very high df quality interns of technical power and the fun is not all about how we can see but how we can implement our minds into the situation of the games is what’s matter most.

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