Coen Brothers' No Country For Old Men Trailer Arrives, con Javier BardemJoel and Ethan Coen’s No Country For Old Men trailer has finally arrived online.  The movie is adapted from the Cormac McCarthy novel and has gotten rave reviews from the lucky few who saw it it Cannes.  And the trailer doesn’t disappoint.

Sure, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Kelly McDonald and Woody Harrelson all look great in it, but Javier Bardem is obviously going to be one to steal the show. 

Not to get all Winona Ryder here, but if you haven’t seen The Sea Inside or Before Night Falls, you may be unaware that he’s one of the finest actors alive at this particular juncture in time.  Seriously.

The Coens have been in quite a slump lately in my book; both Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers were seemingly made by a pod version of the Bros.   But from all indications, this flick is going to be a return to form to the days of Blood Simple and Miller’s Crossing.  And I’ll finally be able to stop crying myself to sleep at night.

Check out the oversized trailer below.

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