Insurgents Bomb Revered Samarra Shrine

Iraqi police say a bomb blast has damaged a revered Shi’ite Muslim shrine in the town of Samarra.

They say the explosion caused the two minarets of the Askariya Mosque to collapse. There were no immediate reports of casualties.

The Iraqi government imposed an indefinite curfew in Baghdad (starting at 1100 UTC) in response to the attack.

A 2006 attack on the same shrine destroyed the mosque’s golden dome and fueled Iraq’s descent into sectarian bloodshed that has killed tens of thousands of people.

In other developments, Iraqi police say militants blew up part of a bridge near the northern city of Kirkuk in the latest attack on Iraq’s infrastructure this week.

And the editor-in-chief of Iraq’s state-owned al-Sabah newspaper, Flayeh Wadi Mijdab, was kidnapped in Baghdad.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military announced Wednesday that a roadside bomb killed a U.S. soldier in Baghdad Monday. Another U.S. soldier was killed when his vehicle hit a bomb in the capital Tuesday. A U.S. Marine also was killed while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province.

Source: VOA

1 Response to “Insurgents Bomb Revered Samarra Shrine”

  1. 1 stoner

    This sort of wonton destruction is condemnable . However, what is strange is that when a muslim destroys /kills another muslim place of worship, there is defeaning silence from the other adherents of Islam around the world . This silence is even stranger to understand when one compares it with all the protests and violent reactions that took place around the muslim world, when the disused Babri musjid,– and not so sacred shrine –,was demolished by non muslims in India some years ago . Is this because a muslim is permitted to kill, , terrorise , destroy even their sacred own , but a non muslim cannot?

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