Square Enix Yoichi Wada criticizes Xbox 360 and PS3Are Sony’s PS3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360 mismatched for today’s consumer and a few years too early out of the gate? 

In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Yoichi Wada, chief executive of Square Enix, explained his theory about consoles like PS3 and Xbox 360.

“There are too many specs – and you also need a high-definition TV, a broadband connection and a deep knowledge of gaming – these consoles are mismatched to today’s environment. In a year or two years they will fare better,” Wada said.

Square Enix decided to go where the gamers and the money are with Dragon Quest IX, announcing that it was going to produced solely as an exclusive for Nintendo DS. To date, Nintendo has sold more than thirty five million DS units worldwide, and is set to sell twenty two million more this year.

1 Response to “Are PS3 And Xbox 360 Too Complex?”

  1. 1 Rocha Budweiser

    Well it sounds like they are too complex for Yoichi Wada of Square Enix but an awful lot of other developers arn’t complaining, I own a PS3 & a Wii, and I seldom use the Wii anymore, it’s the PS3s complexity that I love, among other things.

    I can tell you one thing I’m not going to buy a Nintendo DS to play Dragon Quest or anything else for that matter. After using a 360 or a PS3 it would be an awful letdown to start using a DS or even a Wii.

    To answer your question, No I don’t think they are too complex, they are great, all computers are using multi processors now & I don’t hear too many people complaining about it.

    I’m still trying to figure out what he meant by “There are too many specs – and you also need a high-definition TV, a broadband connection and a deep knowledge of gaming” You don’t have to have a HD TV, the PS3 looks just fine with a CRT TV, I don’t know of anyone still using a moden, although I’m sure there are some, broadband is here to stay, & what’s the deep knowledge of gaming he’s talking about, what’s so hard about poping a DVD into the drive, I think it is easier than ever, back when we had to install games using MSDOS, & even Win95, then you needed a deep knowledg of gaming, I still have nightmares about setting up the cdrom, soundcard, RAM & other things, it’s soooo easy now.

    I’m sorry Yoichi Wada, the two next gen systems (XBox360 & PS3) are here to stay, if you prefer to program for the Nintendo DS, I wish you well, there are plenty of other developers ready to take up the slack.

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