Lindsay Lohan arrested for DUILindsay Lohan was arrested on Saturday in Beverly Hills for suspicion of DUI.  Her Mercedes had struck a curb and investigators found what they believe to be cocaine at the accident scene. 

It was her third crash within the last two years.  Her father believes that she needs to turn to religion in order to set her life straight.

“When Lindsay puts God back in her life, things will turn around,” he said in an interview as quoted by Newsday. “Until then, I’ll just keep praying.” 

When asked directly if Ms. Lohan has a drinking problem, he responded: “Anything that causes a problem when you do it is a problem. As far as what they found in that car, whether it was Lindsay’s or anyone else’s, every person in that car is accountable.”

He also believes that some housecleaning is in order.

“Lindsay needs to clean house and start all over again from the beginning with the people that were with her in the beginning, and that’s her family,” he opined.

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