Rolling Thunder Bikers Ride To Washington DC

Rolling thunder motorcycle bikers many of them veterans of the Vietnam war, gathered at the Pentagon Sunday morning

Thousands of motorcycle riders from across the United States have rallied in Washington for the annual Memorial Day Holiday event.

President Bush greeted a delegation of “Rolling Thunder” riders Sunday at the White House. The president’s chief of staff Josh Bolton and Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, accompanied by rally leaders, motored up the White House driveway to meet with Mr. Bush.

Organizers hold the event to focus attention on the health concerns of military veterans and on the issue of military personnel missing in action.

The bikers, many of them veterans of the Vietnam war, gathered at the Pentagon Sunday morning. They rode in formation past the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington. Their route then circled the National Mall, a park-like expanse between the Lincoln Memorial and the United States Capitol.

On Monday, Memorial Day, the president will take part in a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

The holiday pays tribute to fallen American service members. The Memorial Day weekend also is seen as the unofficial start of summer in the United States, with people often celebrating with picnics and other outdoor activities.

Source: VOA

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