Harrison: 35 Million Wii by 2012, PS3 and Xbox 360 stagnantGeorge Harrison is confident that Wii will sell 35 million units by 2011 or 2012, partly because of weak PS3 and Xbox 360 sales.

In an interview with Bloomberg, the Nintendo of America marketing chief said that there are no immediate plans to upgrade Nintendo Wii since horsepower doesn’t guarantee sales like before.

“We’re starting to see in the performance of the PS3 and Xbox 360 that that’s not necessarily motivating the market the way it used to,” he said. “So we’re going to start work on future technology only when we believe it’s necessary.”

Meanwhile, the company is increasing production in Japan to meet the somewhat unexpected demand.

“Demand is much greater than we anticipated,” said Harrison.  “A year ago no one thought we would be in this position.”

Since the console launched in November 2006, the company has sold 2.5 million Wii players in the U.S.  alone.   To compare, PS3 has sold 1.3 million units in the States in roughly the same time frame, and Xbox 360 sales have reached 5,400,000 since its holiday launch in 2005.

2 Responses to “Harrison Talks Nintendo Wii, Slights PS3 and Xbox 360”

  1. 1 GroverFD

    This is quite bizarre - considering 2.5 million really isnt that much to brag about PS2 has sold 3.2 million in the same period, so does that mean the PS2 is the future of gaming? Of course not.. I think the Wii fanaticism seen by many is a little over-hyped and not as robust and ‘great’ as many make it out to be.

  2. 2 RTQP

    i rather like that 2012 graphic.

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