.S. military spokesman Major General William Caldwell said of seven American soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter in the patrol, five have been confirmed dead and three are missingA massive search operation is under way south of Baghdad for three members of a U.S.-led patrol that came under attack Saturday morning. U.S. military spokesman Major General William Caldwell said of seven American soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter in the patrol, five have been confirmed dead and three are missing. Barry Newhouse reports from northern Iraq.

General Caldwell said the attack took place some 20 kilometers west of Mahmudiya, a rural area that has been a stronghold of al-Qaida linked militants. 

The general said a nearby patrol heard explosions coming from the direction of the attacked unit. Attempts to contact the soldiers were unsuccessful.  Fifteen minutes after the explosions, at 5 am local time, an unmanned vehicle observed two burning vehicles.

General Caldwell says U.S. and Iraqi forces have set up checkpoints in the area and are using aerial drones, helicopters and planes in the rescue effort.

“Make no mistake. We will never stop looking for our soldiers until their status is determined,” he said.  “And we continue to pray for their return.”

He did not say whether the five dead soldiers were all Americans, nor did he disclose the fate of the Iraqi army interpreter.

Last June, al-Qaida militants kidnapped two U.S. soldiers in nearby Yusufiya.  Days after their disappearance, their mutilated bodies were found booby-trapped with explosives.

Earlier, in March of last year, intruders staged an attack on an Iraqi family in Mahmoudiya, killing the father, mother and two young daughters.  They also raped a 14 year-old daughter and burned her body.  Five U.S. soldiers were charged in the attack. Three have pleaded guilty and two others are awaiting trial. 

U.S. commanders say areas outside of the Iraqi capital have become more violent as militants flee the ongoing Baghdad security operation.

Attacks have continued inside the capital city as well. On Friday in Baghdad, suicide bombers killed at least 23 people and wounded 60 others in attacks on two bridges in the city.

Source: VOA

2 Responses to “Search Continues In Iraq for Three Missing Coalition Soldiers”

  1. 1 ankhfnkhonsu

    Thank you for inserting that most relevant piece to the rest of the article.

    I am so obliged for your making “this complex and frequently maddening world of ours a little more understandable, and in turn, slightly less frightening.”

    It was such a pleasure to stumble upon such a fascinatingly enlightened source of objective and unbiased, non-mainstream media.

    Thank you once again, on behalf of everyone is this quadrant of the galaxy.

  2. 2 Rasoul Salamn

    I am Iraqi American, in my 60’s
    US is making blunder after blunder and it break my heart

    The new policy would fail unless those blunders corrected,

    Bin Ladin , Zarkawi, Saddam and the terrorist are bedwin
    The bedwin respect you, obey you, be good to you and generous with you, if you are stronger and more brutal than they

    Otherwise they would Rob you , kill you and brag about it
    This is fact need to be understood,

    Iraq needs a strong brutal leader like Mustafa Kamal (Ataturk)
    Maliki could be that one but secular leader is better
    A Terrorist who caught making car bomb for example should be hanged in public after his capture and at the site of crime, by hanging few hundreds of Alquida members we would win Iraq, save lives, otherwise declare defeat now and save the young American and bring them home
    Rasoul Salman

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