Lakisha Jones voted off American Idol, happy to tour with Sanjaya MalakarLakisha Jones sang her heart out on American Idol Wednesday with the songs “Stayin’ Alive” and “Run to Me”, but it was to no avail.   The consensus was that her “Run To Me” was stronger, but was still not enough to stave off elimination.

Recently asked by The TV Tattler whether being an early favorite worked against her, Lakisha responded:  “It did. Everyone wanted the ‘And I’m Telling You’ moment every week. And when you’re singing different genres of music, those styles don’t necessarily have that ‘big song’ that everybody is expecting every week. I think I did the best with what I was given.”

But at least she’ll  get to spend more time with Sanjaya Malakar now, who Ms. Jones says she’s the most anxious to see again.

“I miss him jumping all over the place. He just has this energy, you know?” she said.  “He was like a little brother that got on your nerves all the time. He’d be jumping all over the place, and he just had this energy. I appreciate the fact that he trusted my judgment, took my advice and was there for me when I needed him.”

4 Responses to “American Idol's Lakisha Jones Missed Sanjaya Malakar The Most”

  1. 1 AnnMarie

    If I were in Lakisha’s shoes, I think I would miss Sanjaya also. I find him a breath of fresh air — such a positive attitude for a young man. Most adults I know do not have the spirit and positive attitude that he has. I admire that — and I’m 52.

    I think he’d be so much fun to have around — his enthusiasm and innocence would be so endearing. I’d hop on a plane and make a date to spend some time with such a sweet, fun friend.

  2. 2 Joan

    I feel the same way. What a terrific young man he is, with all sorts of talent and charisma. Just needs some experience, and he’s going to get a lot of that on the tour.

    Wish they were coming to my neck of the woods. But will be looking forward to Sanjaya’s CD, and Lakish’s as well.

  3. 3 Danny

    I hope that Lakisha will be offered all the things she deserves. Even though it’s the end of the road for American Idol after the tour, I just know that so many doors will be open for this beautiful young lady that I admire so much….Your my Idol Kiki, Stay Strong and be blessed.

  4. 4 Finnyaja

    I dont now.., well..
    Now is reality…

    Lakisha go home. Singin good, but performans out.
    Melinda go home. Singin good, but performans nothing. Out.
    Okey now is finale Jordin and Blake.

    Jordin singin good, nut massive woman roll in estrade. She is elephant. I not like ske performance. Out.

    Blake singin eunuk-/woman voice and he is abhorrent behold. No good men, he is bad. Yök. Men is copy-klovny. Yök, yök.

    SANJAYA MALAKAR is BEST. He singin enough good and all Sanjaya performans is VERY GOOD. Boy is nice, good look and he is personal, natural, hearty, no diva.
    I like Sanjaya. He is american idol heart number one.
    American idol soul is Simon Corwell, but heart is Sanjaya Malakar.

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