American Jewish Committee congratulates Nicolas Sarkozy on his electoral victory over Royal in the French presidential elections

The American Jewish Committee congratulates Nicolas Sarkozy on his electoral victory over Segolene Royal in the French presidential elections.

“We have long admired Nicolas Sarkozy as a political leader deeply committed to France’s democratic values, his readiness to confront threats to those principles, and his dedication to strengthening trans-Atlantic relations,” said AJC Executive Director David A. Harris. “AJC looks forward to working closely with President Sarkozy and his administration on critical issues of common concern.”

AJC has enjoyed a cooperative and productive relationship with Sarkozy since he became Interior Minister in 2002.

“At a time when French Jews felt directly threatened by the rise in violent anti-Semitism in Paris and elsewhere across France a few years ago, Sarkozy played a critical role in moving the French government to finally recognize the gravity of the problem and to do what is necessary to address the ill winds that not only threaten the largest Jewish community in Western Europe, but, as we know from history, would ultimately pose a threat to wider French society,” said Harris.

“I consider any insult against Jews an insult against France,” declared Sarkozy in an address to AJC in Washington in April 2004, reaffirming what he had told an AJC leadership delegation in Paris six months earlier. He was instrumental in that critical period of stepping up police protection around Jewish buildings and schools, and to arrest and prosecute individuals who commit anti-Semitic acts.

Sarkozy has met with AJC regularly in Paris, as well as in New York and Washington on his visits to the U.S.

“We hope you will continue to look to AJC as an ally in the essential task of strengthening understanding and cooperation between France and the United States,” wrote AJC President Richard Sideman and Executive Director David A. Harris in a congratulatory letter sent to Sarkozy today.

Further, AJC appreciates Sarkozy’s empathy for the threats Israel faces, and looks forward to discussing with the new president ways that France, working within the EU, can effectively contribute to the quest for peace and security for Israel and her neighbors.

AJC, a global advocacy organization, maintains a presence in Paris with its representative, Valerie Hoffenberg.

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