Scientists Restore Memory For Mice With Neurodegeneration
Published by Staff April 30th, 2007 in Health.Mice whose brains had lost a large number of neurons due to neurodegeneration regained long-term memories and the ability to learn after their surroundings were enriched with toys and other sensory stimuli, according to new studies by Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers. The scientists were able to achieve the same results when they treated the mice with a specific type of drug that encourages neuronal growth.
The results of the experiments suggest that the term “memory loss” may be an inaccurate description of the kinds of mental deficits associated with neurodegenerative diseases. “The memories are still there, but they are rendered inaccessible by neural degeneration,” said the senior author Li-Huei Tsai, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Tsai led the research group that published its findings on April 29, 2007, in an advance online publication in the journal Nature.
“I believe that these findings could have particular significance for treatment of people who already have advanced neurodegenerative disease,” said Tsai. “Most current treatments seem to be aimed at affecting the early stages of the disease. But our mouse model shows that even when there has been a significant loss of neurons, it is still possible to improve learning and memory.”
Over the last five plus years, Tsai’s research team has developed and refined a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. In earlier studies, Tsai’s group had shown that a protein called p25 contributes to neurodegeneration. Over time they developed a genetically engineered mouse in which they are able to turn on p25 gene expression at specific stages in development. In these animals, evidence of neuronal loss is first detected six weeks after the induction of p25. At this age, animals exhibit a profound impairment in learning and memory that is accompanied by synaptic loss and impaired long-term potentiation (LTP), a process involved in the storage of memories.
The researchers engineered mice so that they could switch the p25 transgene on at will. Activation of p25 has been implicated in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases. Once activated in the mice, the p25 transgene produces neural pathology very similar to that of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, said Tsai. The animals show brain atrophy and loss of neurons due to the same kind of cellular abnormalities seen in people who have Alzheimer’s disease, she said.
Researchers have long known that an environment rich in sensory stimuli can improve learning in mice. So, Tsai and her colleagues decided to explore whether such an environment could improve learning and memory in their mice after a large number of neurons were already lost.
In their experiments, they switched on p25 in older mice. The genetic change induced brain atrophy and neuronal loss. They then used two tests to assess learning and memory in these older mice. In the “fear-conditioning” test, the animals were required to learn to associate a specific chamber with a mild electric shock. The second test required the animals to learn to find a submerged platform in a tank of murky water.
The researchers placed some of the animals in a large chamber with a variety of stimuli: an exercise treadmill, colorful toys with various shapes and textures that were changed daily, and other mice. Their experiments showed that animals with neurodegeneration due to p25 activation had significant gains in learning and memory when they were exposed to this enriched environment. Those animals fared better on memory tests than the animals that remained in standard cages.
The researchers also tested the effects of an enriched environment on the animals’ long-term memory. They knew that the fear-conditioning test established a lasting long-term memory in the mice. So, they tested whether environmental enrichment improved the p25-induced animals’ ability to remember that conditioning weeks after training. They found that the enriched animals showed marked recovery of the long-term memory when compared to mice that did not live in a stimuli-rich environment.
“This recovery of long-term memory was really the most remarkable finding,” said Tsai. “It suggests that memories are not really erased in such disorders as Alzheimer’s, but that they are rendered inaccessible and can be recovered.”
When the researchers studied the brains of the animals that had been exposed to the extra stimuli, they found no evidence of increased growth or formation of new neurons when compared to brains of mice that had not experienced the enriched environment. However, they did find anatomical and biochemical evidence for growth of connections among neurons.
Tsai and her colleagues also sought to understand the biological mechanism by which environmental enrichment enhanced learning and memory in the mice. “Even though the learning-enhancement effects of environmental enrichment have been known for half a century, nobody really knows the mechanism behind it,” said Tsai. “However, there has also been a growing body of evidence that chromatin remodeling has a beneficial effect on learning and memory,” she said.
Chromatin is found in the nuclei of cells. It is composed of DNA spooled around bundles of histone proteins. The addition of small chemical tags to known as acetyl of methyl groups to the histones can alter the way chromatin is organized, which in turn determines which genes are turned on. Indeed, when Tsai and her colleagues analyzed the histones of enriched mice versus non-enriched animals, they found that environmental enrichment induced histone modification in the enriched mice.
Tsai and her colleagues tested whether a class of drugs that preserves histone acetylation, called histone deacetylases inhibitors, could affect learning and memory in the p25-induced mice. “In those studies, we found that using drugs to increase histone acetylation artificially produced an effect very similar to that observed in environmental enrichment,” said Tsai. “This leads us to believe that further studies of ways to target chromatin remodeling could offer a treatment for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia,” she said. Tsai’s group is now investigating the molecular mechanism by which such drugs work and which specific drug targets might be most effective at enhancing learning and memory.
Source: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
To all scientists everywhere I trust you will “like” your motor neurons turned off and on by Satan when he is elected by “the people”. I trust you will ENJOY that torture which will not let up for all eternity for people like you who THINK they are superior to anybody else and willfully seek to kidnap, torture and murder innocent Americans with your pschyotrophic torture devices.
It is not technological advancement of science - it is shear and utter EVIL as defined by the Holy Bible. Perhaps you should get a clue as to your respective outcomes in this endevor. You get what you sew in this life 100-fold if not more!!!!
Dear Katherine,
I would like to site a verse from the Bible: (Isaiah 45:6-7) “I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things”.
So, God being the Supreme Creator of all things also created evil. Why, because evil provides the contrast that enables us to recognize and experience goodness. Evil had to be, if there was to be any creation. If you wrote a message with white chalk on a white board, no one would see it. So, without the blackboard of evil, the good things in the world could not be magnified at all. He, however, has given us the free will to choose good instead of evil. That said, it is hard to know, unless you are truly an enlightened one, where the dividing line is between good and evil. I’m sure there are many folks out there, like Ted Haggard, who can give us their interpretation of a holy text. But, take the Bible for instance: Jesus speaks in parables. Thus, conveying a complex message to the simple masses. There is an ocean of truth behind the simple words that He expresses, but He keeps it simple for a reason. If He were to go into detail, extolling the laws of physics and metaphysics not yet discovered His message would not be well received and His particular dispensation would have been ineffective. Additionally, if God wanted us to know all of the secrets of creation, we would all know them and then there would no longer be creation. We can see through nature’s example that God lets things evolve and unfold in their own time.
Part of the joy of being in this world is to experience it and to discover it. One of the ways that we do that is through the scientific method. Does Science make mistakes? Of course. But, mistakes are part of the learning process and ultimately result in the greater good…because the intentions are good. It will be interesting to see if the new technology depicted in the above article turns out to be for the greater good. For those of us who are not yet enlightened, only time will tell.
Wishing you peace and joy.
I wanted to modify the 3rd to last sentence of my reply, because there is a typo. Instead of using the word “ultimately”, I meant to say “usually”.