Kim Basinger claims she did not release the voicemail of Alec Baldwin chastizing his daughter Ireland<br>

The voicemail of Alec Baldwin berating his daughter Ireland is not pretty, and his attorney Vicki Green has asserted the leak originated from the Basinger camp to make him look horrible.

Ms. Basinger broke her silence today and denied that she was the leaker.

“Kim Basinger did not release the voicemail. Additionally, the voicemail was not sealed under a court order,” read a statement released by her publicist Annett Wolf to the Los Angeles Times. “Everybody is always asking why this custody battle has been going on for so many years, and now they have the answer. The issue is not about Kim or the alleged alienation that Alec constantly refers to; it is about his ongoing aggressive behavior. Kim’s sincerest wish is for him to finally address his unstable and irrational behavior so he, at some point, can potentially create a relationship with his daughter. Until then, Kim will continue to protect and safeguard her child’s well-being as any parent would.”

Baldwin apologized on Friday for the angry voicemail message.

“Although I have been told by numerous people not to worry too much, as all parents lose their patience with their kids, I am most saddened that this was released to the media because of what it does to a child,” Baldwin wrote on his website. “I’m sorry, as everyone who knows me is aware, for losing my temper with my child.”

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