Barack Obama

Yahoo!, The Huffington Post and Slate announced today plans to host two online-only presidential debates during the 2008 campaign. These first-of-their kind debates will be hosted on all three Web sites and give voters the opportunity to ask questions directly to the candidates, participate in the debate in real-time, and even determine which candidate is giving the best performance. The debates, scheduled to take place after Labor Day, will be hosted by PBS’ Charlie Rose. The Democratic debate will feature opening remarks by DNC chair Howard Dean.

“We intend for these debates to be a groundbreaking mix of old and new traditions in politics,” said Charlie Rose. “2008 will be a momentous year for the electoral process in America, thanks in large part to technology and politics connecting like never before. I am proud to host the first ever online only debate, which will reach and engage the voting audience in a whole new way.”

“With presidential candidates announcing online and with campaign ads and fundraising increasingly online, presidential campaigns are moving to the Internet at breakneck speed. Online debates are the inevitable next step,” said Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post. “We are thrilled to be joining with Internet pioneers Yahoo! and Slate to host the first online presidential debates, and to have Charlie Rose as our moderator. These debates represent a further merging of new media technology and politics, and are a great opportunity to bring more people into the political process, and engage the new generation of young voters who spend so much of their time — and get so much of their information — online.”

There will be two online-only debates, one for Democrats and one for Republicans, with invitations extended to candidates who have formally announced their candidacies. These online debates will allow the candidates to participate from whatever location they choose, brought together live via the Internet, and will feature real-time questions sent in by the online audience, as well as viewer questions uploaded on video.

“The 2008 campaign is going to unfold on the Web in a way no previous election ever has,” said Jacob Weisberg, editor of Slate. “We hope these first online debates will be a breakthrough, both in terms of technology and political communication. The candidates will be able to have a real discussion in real time — but without having to be in the same place. We think the Internet can bring the same kind of immediacy to presidential debates that it has to other aspects of the political process.”

“We’re opening the doors of democracy for American voters to participate in the Presidential debates like never before,” said Scott Moore, head of news and information, Yahoo!. “Armchair politics will take on new meaning this election season, as we’re offering voters the opportunity to ask the candidates what’s on their mind.”

Source: Yahoo!, The Huffington Post and Slate

7 Responses to “Charlie Rose Will Host First Online Presidential Debates”

  1. 1 Arye Michael Bender

    If the candidates will take questions as they come, and not only the preapproved ones, this should prove to be a real step towards democracy in America.

  2. 2 Brandi Irizarry

    I will really miss President Bush, I think he deserves longer time as president . I know the president only gets up to eight years, but I think he desrves more time, he has really improved things in our great nation. I really think we don’t need a new president, If Bush reeds this,or anyone. A lot of the kids at my school, make fun of the way he works, but Bush can always count on me to be there to defend him.

  3. 3 Avtwvns

    I agree with the first response from Arye. I wonder what agenda the dems have. I just dont trust them one little bit. I think if they where more honest about their intentions as far as governing the country I would feel more comfortable. I dont believe they would do a good job in making this happen and the debate would be one sided in favor of the most popular candidate. I dont think these two canditates can answer the hard questions honestly. I for one would wish the republicans would do more than just let the dems make all the mistakes and get all of the media. I wish they would lead this great country in the right direction and do for the people what they are paid to do.

  4. 4 Terrance

    It’s amazing how the previous commentors can say so little in so many words. Let the Dems make all the mistakes? Bush has really improved things in this nation? You don’t read the news, do you?

  5. 5 Arlis Thornton

    Brandi Irizarry you are completely dilusional. Please go back to bed.

  6. 6 Charles

    Brandi, I hope you are kidding.

    Bush has single handedly ruined our reputation in world politics, created a disaster in Iraq, ignored the Kyoto Protocol because he didn’t think that “climate change” was real, and surrounded himself by criminals and liars (Rove, DeLay, Gonzales). He had the opportunity to direct our country towards something positive in reaction to 9/11 but instead he took us into military operations. I pray that the USA can recover from the long term damage that 8 years with Bush has caused. Hopefully it isn’t too late for the Middle East, our global environment, our military troops and families, or our leveraged economy.

  7. 7 Vince

    Unfortunately there are many others who think like Brandi. Leaves me thinking there is very little hope for us to overcome the Bush years.

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