American Idol Sanjaya Malakar talks futureNow that American Idol celebrity Sanjaya Malakar has left the show, what’s in his future?  Will he be the next William Hung, or transition his fifteen minutes into more than a punchline for comedians?

The TV Tattler recently spoke to Sanjaya and asked if he’s gotten any offers for singing or acting gigs.

“The show just ended for me, and I’ve been doing publicity,” Malakar responded. “I haven’t really gotten any offers, but I’m sure they’ll come. And I’m more than willing to go into any entertainment field…I think my main thing to look for when I choose opportunities is something that I really feel strongly about. I’m not going to choose based on money. The most important thing I can do is just stay true to myself.”

But make no mistakes, he still wants to sing until the day he dies.

“I got my GED after my sophomore year, and I basically saw this as my junior and senior year of high school because this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. This was my way of learning it, and I got a lot further than I ever expected to,” explained Sanjaya. 

1 Response to “American Idol's Sanjaya: No Singing Or Acting Gigs Yet”

  1. 1 Joan

    Good luck, Sanjaya! I think you’re wonderful ~ sweet, handsome and talented and I’ve no doubt this is just the beginning for you!!

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