Possession delayed, Blitz working on major new title for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.<br> The news today is very yin and yang for Xbox 360 and PS3 gamers.  The bad news is that Blitz Games is putting Possession, their much-anticipated Zombie title, on hold.

But the reason behind the revelation is certainly intriguing – Blitz has a secret next-gen game in the works.   What might it be?

“Work on Possession is temporarily on hold but only because we’ve reassigned the team to work on a major new project on PS3 and Xbox 360,” a senior spokesperson for the company told GamesIndustry.biz.

“Much of the work done on Possession directly led to us signing this new game and some of the technology has been enhanced further and will appear in this new title.”

“This new project is a massive departure in style and content for Blitz Games,” the rep continued.  But the dev is keeping the publisher’s identity as well as details on the upcoming title hush-hush for the time being.

“We are on an even more aggressive recruitment drive for what will be a very high-profile title. We are truly honoured to be working with one of the most respected publishers in the world on this project.”

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