Simon Cowell missesSanjaya Malakar, who was voted off American IdolAmerican Idol judge Simon Cowell once said of Sanjaya Malakar:  “He’s not going to win. I won’t be back if he does!”  So when Malakar was voted off the show, it was assumed that Simon would be full of relief and joy.

And he has expressed happiness that Sanjaya is gone, explaining to Oprah that “was on a very happy plane last night.”  But he went on to say, “I miss him probably in the same way I miss my favorite horror movie. And I don’t mean that nastily. I like horror movies.”

“A very sweet guy. Quite entertaining but a horrible singer. That was the problem,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution quoted Mr. Cowell as saying.

So who’s Simon rooting for now that it’s down to six?

“I have a soft spot for Melinda. Very sweet girl. I like her,” explained Cowell.  “Jordin was sensational this week. Chris I like because he’s contemporary. But I’m a little bit worried about singing through the nose… My Top 3 or Top 2 would be Melinda, Jordin and I’m not writing off Lakisha.”

8 Responses to “American Idol's Simon: I Miss Sanjaya”

  1. 1 Rhonda

    Looks like Slimon is doing some damage control, eh? As for me, I’ve had enough of the suck-fest. For anyone but the fantards, Sanjaya was the only reason we were watching idol. I could find better singers at the karoake contest at our local fair.
    Sanjaya however–there is but one. He was the anti-establishment, anti-hate, anti-powers-that-be candidate.
    Now he’s gone, but we, his ardent fans, intend to ride with him all the way in he Universe of Sanjaya.

  2. 2 jordan

    its hard to imagine that from the 100 thousand that auditioned for american idol, a horrible singer was allowed in as top 24 by the judges.Why did they let him in as the top 24? that is the question these judges will have to answer.What did they see in him, and how can you alow a participant with into the competition that had no potential of winning? over to you Simon………

  3. 3 jestrgame

    Isn’t it interesting, the parrots speak. They repeat whatever Simon says.
    The pyramid effect of his evident dislike of this kid rippled into the population & brought this singer with a perfect voice down. Simon had a much, much huger effect in bringing Sanjaya down than any web site had in propping him up.
    Simon throws a tantrum if singers don’t fit into the box he’s created. Sanjaya has a beautiful, soothing voice, so when Simon repeatedly says he’s horrible, I’m amazed. I agree completely with Rhonda.
    I hope Sanjaya doesn’t lose heart, goes to music school, & comes out with CDs. I’d buy boxes of them in a flash.

  4. 4 paras

    sanjaya is not a horrible singer, alright? in terms of the competition, yes, he did have one of the least mature voice. also, he’s not a belter…his singing style is smooth,w ith a good tone…good for singing stevie wonder songs (like in his original audtition) or besame mucho (his strongest finals performance). You look back at his performances this season and you’ll realize his main problem is not being off-key, it’s that he didn’t have very much confidence in his singing ability and often his singing came off as awkward. he wasn’t even the worst finalist this season (Haley, hello..)..he just needs time to mature and get better. And i’m not saying this because i’m a fan of his..give the sweet kid a break!

  5. 5 Anne Comeau

    Yes, ive often wondered why they let Sanjaya through in the first place, then knock him down every single week. Actually,Sanjaya is the biggest reason i was watching American Idol. He gave the show something it was missing. Now , i will miss him. That sweet young entertaining boy, i could have eaten him up, without putting sugar on .lol.What a living doll. I hope he does well, i am sure if he was to be a guest on variety shows right now, he would draw the crowds.
    That is my opinion. Anne Comeau Nova Scotia Canada..

  6. 6 Anne Comeau

    I often wondered why they sent Sanjaya through to Hollywood, then knocked him down every week! I loved Sanjaya and waited each week to see him. He gave the show something it was missing, and now , i will miss “Him”. Sanjaya is a sweet loving young boy, with a sweet voice and personality .I can bet he’ll do well in his future in a singing career , ill be waiting and watching. Good luck Sanjaya!!…..Anne Comeau Nova Scotia Canada.

  7. 7 John

    To answer your question Jordan, they didn’t let a bad singer into the top 24. He’s actually pretty good. No not as good as the better singers, and he did have a couple of bad nights. That aside, he still shows that he can sing pretty well. Instead he was targeted by vote for the worst. He draws a lot of attention to himself on stage, so the entire thing started to snowball. Then he had a couple of bad nights and it skyrocketed. The truth is that if they had picked say Phil Stacey from the start, people would have made fun of Phil too. People don’t realize that how “bad” Sanjaya is, has been magnified by the media.

    Now that this is known, Simon doesn’t want his franchise to look bad by showing even an ounce of support for Sanjaya. Even when he did great on JLO night, he simply said it wasn’t horrible.

    So finally, the reason he made the top 24 is because he sings well enough to be in that, and he looked marketable to Simon.

  8. 8 Dorothy

    I will miss him, too. He was the reason I was watching Idol week after week. Now, it’s boring.

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