Wii vs. PS3 Browser Web 2.0 friendlyBoth the Wii and PS3 have web browsers, but which one is more friendly when it comes to Web 2.0?  And why doesn’t Microsoft release Internet Explorer for use on the 360 already?

We may never know the answer to the 360 question, but the website Games Digest took on the Nintendo Wii vs. PS3 question in the battle of 2.0 supremacy.   They recently took a test run of fifteen of the top websites like MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, Facebook and Last.fm to see how they fared on each console.

Using a scoring system of “0 points means it didn’t work properly. 1 point means it worked partially, and 2 points means it worked well,” it appears Wii was the victor over PlayStation 3 with a margin of 26 - 20.

The conclusion by Games Digest:

Victory goes to Opera’s Wii browser, hurt by the fact that two sites (Bloglines and Google Maps) didn’t work at all on the PlayStation 3 browser. However, it’s worth stressing that PlayStation 3’s ability to upload photos and (possibly) video gives it an advantage if you’re big on this user-generated content lark. Also, these findings could easily change as various sites get a redesign, either for the better (they’re configured to autodetect a console and adapt accordingly) or for the worse (they use new plug-ins that aren’t supported by the consoles).

Check out how each individual site rated here.

1 Response to “Report: Nintendo Wii Friendlier Than PS3 For Web 2.0”

  1. 1 Mr Disillusioned

    Web 2.0 my arse.

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