Hillary Clinton weighs in on American Idol Sanjaya Malakar.

Presidential candidates have to be able to answer questions about anything on the fly, including such earth-shattering topics as Sanjaya Malakar on American Idol.

Taking live calls on a radio call-in on WOKQ-FM, Hillary Clinton was asked what the United States can do about Sanjaya, the dark horse singing candidate on the popular television show.

“That’s the best question I’ve been asked in a long time,” Clinton responded. “Well, you know, people can vote for whomever they want. That’s true in my election, and it’s true on `American Idol.’” 

Many people feel that his continuing presence on the show is a due to pranksters who do not actually adore him but enjoy the the hoopla his weekly survival causes. Plus, it appears to be giving Simon Cowell a cerebral hemorrhage, which some feel is a plus as well.

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