Press reports indicate that Karl Rove uses a Republican National Committee (RNC) email account for 95% of his communications

Melanie Sloan, CREW’s executive director, said today, “It looks like Karl Rove may well have destroyed evidence that implicated him in the White House’s orchestrated efforts to leak Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert identity to the press in retaliation against her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson.” Sloan continued, “Special Counsel Fitzgerald should immediately reopen his investigation into whether Rove took part in the leak as well as whether he obstructed justice in the ensuing leak investigation.”

Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) asked Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to reopen his investigation of Karl Rove’s role in disclosing Valerie Plame Wilson’s status as a covert CIA operative in light of recent revelations about missing White House email.

Press reports indicate that Mr. Rove uses a Republican National Committee (RNC) email account for 95% of his communications. In addition, the RNC’s counsel has admitted that all of Mr. Rove’s emails prior to 2005 have been destroyed. Moreover, the White House has admitted that as CREW reported yesterday five million emails are missing from the White House servers. All of this raises serious questions about whether Mr. Rove knowingly destroyed evidence relevant to the Special Counsel’s inquiry and whether Mr. Fitzgerald received all relevant documents.

CREW serves as legal counsel to Joe and Valerie Wilson in their civil suit against Karl Rove, Vice President Dick Cheney, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby and Richard Armitage.

Source: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is a non-
profit legal watchdog group dedicated to holding public officials
accountable for their actions.

2 Responses to “CREW Wants Patrick Fitzgerald To Reopen Karl Rove Investigation”

  1. 1 seedyrum

    Yes reopen the case. Rove and Bush and the administration need to be stopped before they do even more irreparable harm to our government as well as to our reputation around the world. Its sad when one has to lie, coerce, and bribe others to break the law to get a nefarious deed done. Its ironic that Bush wants a democracy ( which the Iraquis never ask of this country) in Iraq while destroying DEMOCRACY IN USA. So what is Bush and Rove teaching Iraq? If the Iraqios stop fioghting each other they can really look at their “Saviors”. Bush and Company only wants Iraq’s oil for oil companies, actually thekmseves as they are shareholders in these oil company. Its funny that Rimsfeld and Wolfiwitz said Iraq had WMD however they only wanted to go with a “smaller army”. Now why smaller? Because they knew Iraq had no WMD nor a decent army to fight back but they FORGOT about the citizens. Which leads me to this. How can Bush and Company get the Sunnis and Shias to work out their differences when USA whites and blacks havent work out their differences? USA’s has race and ehtnic problems it hasnt resolved, but USA has the gall to tell Iraquis to “work together.” Yes, reopen Plamegate and see the lies and coverups that Rove did to get this war going. Do what the Republican Congress failed to do when it had control.

  2. 2 PJ

    Please reopen this case. Also see if you can get him to take over teh HATCH ACT investigation of Rove. The current investigator is also under investigation and is a conservative with too many ties to the white house.

    Come on people at what point do we realize that the corruption under this administration is completely systemic. I thought the conservative mantra was “Character matters” but with this kind of character who needs mobsters?!

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