Condi Rice on Don Imus -- and I'll use the word 'disgusting' _ comment which doesn't belong in any polite company and certainly doesn't belong on any radio station that I would listen to U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has refused to comment on whether or not CBS should have fired Don Imus for his racist comments, but she has gone on the record saying that she found his comment “disgusting”.

In a transcript of an interview with Michael Medved released by the State Department, she frankly discussed her feelings about the Don Imus matter.

“Well, I’m not going to comment on what CBS should or shouldn’t have done. I’m very glad that there was, in fact, a consequence. I think that this kind of coarse language doesn’t belong anywhere in reasonable dialogue between reasonable people. And you do have to remember these are young women,” Rice remarked.

“These are the ages of people’s young daughters. They’re 18 and 19-year-old women. And what were they doing except, showing that they’re really fine athletes, playing under extraordinary pressure in which for them was a dream season. And it gets ruined by this disgusting — and I’ll use the word “disgusting,” — comment which doesn’t belong in any polite company and certainly doesn’t belong on any radio station that I would listen to.”

Mr. Imus was fired by CBS radio on Thursday.

1 Response to “Condoleezza Rice Calls Don Imus' Comments 'Disgusting'”

  1. 1 Lee Vandergerg

    Rice is a hypocrite. Where is the outrage over Rappers and other Blacks who frequently use those words “nappy headed hoe?”

    Until the Black community cracks down on the double standard, most whites have a hard time understanding the word “Why?”

    Imus is a bigot and he deserves to be off the air. He doesn’t speak for educated whites any more than Sharpton and Jackson speak for blacks.

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