Don Imus

The president of the CBS Corporation, Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves Thursday announced the company was permanently canceling the morning talk show of Don Imus. In a statement, the president said employees of the company have been “deeply upset” by Imus’ statements over the air.

The company initially had suspended Imus from broadcasting for two weeks after a public outcry over the racially-charged remarks.

Imus made the comments about members of the Rutgers University women’s basketball team, which is predominately black. He has repeatedly apologized for the comments since.

Critics including U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama had called for Imus to be fired, citing a history of racially insensitive remarks.

On Wednesday, the U.S. cable television network MSNBC announced it would no longer broadcast Imus’ show because of the controversial comments.

Several major U.S. companies had earlier announced they were suspending their advertisements from the show.

On Tuesday, team captain Essence Carson said the players have agreed to meet with Imus privately.

Source: VOA

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