Wii PS3 Virgin Radio announcementWii and PS3 owners get a nifty little freebie today — Virgin Radio has announced a music player that’s compatible that’s compatible with both the Nintendo Wii and the PS3 browsers.

The fourstreams available for thetime beingare:Virgin Radio, Classic Rock, Radio Extreme, andRadio Groove. Users will alsobe able to buy tickets and CDs, as well as download tracks through the Virgin Radio Ticket Store. BecauseVR wouldn’t mind making some money on this deal, you know.

”Its great for us to achieve another new media 1st and be the only UK radio station available on both of these massively popular games consoles,” crowed James Cridland at Virgin.

“People are treating the consoles as part of their home entertainment media centre, and now Virgin Radio will be part of that experience. This platform has great growth potential, particularly among early-adopters and 25-44 audience popular with advertisers.

The player can be downloaded for free right here.

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