Wii Jennifer Strange Contest -- The facts and circumstances of this ill-fated event do not support the filing of criminal charges against the radio station or any of its employees No criminal charges will be filed in the water intoxication death of Jennifer Lea Strange, whotragically diedin January participating in a radio contest titled “Hold Your Wee for a Wii”. The mother of three had drank nearly two gallons of water trying to win a Nintendo Wii.

“The facts and circumstances of this ill-fated event do not support the filing of criminal charges against the radio station or any of its employees,” the district attorney’s office said in a statement. “Based on the evidence, no duty or special relationship existed or was created between the radio station and/or its employees and Jennifer Strange because of the contest,” District Attorney Jan Scully’s office said in a prepared statement.

“Jennifer Strange was an adult who was voluntarily participating in the radio contest,” the statement continued. “She knew what the contest involved when she entered it, and had the option to stop or discontinue her participation in the contest at any time.”

“Finally, and most importantly in our decision not to file involuntary manslaughter charges, there were no observable indications or symptoms that Jennifer Strange was experiencing a serious medical emergency which would have required station employees to seek or administer medical aid to her,” the statement added.


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