PS3 Alan Pritchard Virtua Fighter 5, Virtua Tennis 3, Sonic the Hedgehog, Full Auto 2 and World Snooker Championship 2007 We are very pleased to have achieved the status of the number one third party publisher at the launch of the PS3,proclaimed Alan Pritchard, managing director of Sega UK.

Sega has continued to increase its market share considerably over the last 18 months, and this is indicative of the investment that the company continues to put toward next generation development. We look forward to further success on PS3 in 2007, with Sega Rally, The Club and The Golden Compass also due for release later this year.

The publisher is already off to a quick start on Sony’s PlayStation 3, with five of their launch titlesowning awhopping 13 percent share of the UK software market for the next generation consolethis week. The titles that helped propel them to theirtop dogstatus are: Virtua Tennis 3, Virtua Fighter 5, Full Auto 2, World Snooker Championship 2007, and of course, Sonic The Hedgehog.

Source: MCV

1 Response to “PS3: Sega Is Lovin' Every Minute Of It”

  1. 1 amdsoo

    Sonic The Hedgehog two times . Well written article , the guy didn’t even read himself .

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