Mel Gibson To Professor: “Lady, F**k off!”
Published by Rachel Baumbach March 24th, 2007 in Entertainment.Mel Gibson, no stranger to controversy, got into a heated exchange at an Apocalypto screening at California State University, Northridge.
According to E! Online, Gibson was confronted by Alicia Estrada, an assistant professor of Central American studies whoconfronted the filmmaker with claims that the film wasstereotypical and racist towardsMayans.”Oh yes, and you are a f—king troublemaker, so f—k off!” he allegedly responded.
She was forced to leave the screening, but she claims that she was not being aggressive towards Mr. Gibson.
“In no way was my question aggressive in the way that he responded to it,” Estrada explained. “These are questions that my peers, my colleagues, ask me every time I make a presentation. These are questions I pose to my students in the classroom.”
“I demand an apology not only to myselfbut to the Mayan community specifically and to this university,” Estradacontinued.
“Why would he apologize? The event organizers threw the heckler out, not Mel,” retorted Gibson’s rep, Alan Nierob. “This person was a heckler who was rude and disrupted the event, so much so that the event organizers had to escort her out.”
Mel Gibson is subjected to unfair scrutiny. His movies are regarded across the board to have 100% more historical integrity than the usual effluent pumped out by Hollywood.
She was just being disruptive. Here is another version of the story by an audience member which reveals:
A) Gibson was initially very patient with the professor and
B) She had it coming.
Apocalypto distorts history. The film is pure propaganda and when someone has the guts to point this out to him, Gibson responds in the only way he knows how. Sad.