Screen Digest's Ed Barton 2010 market share PS3 Xbox 360 Nintendo WiiNintendo Wii is beating the pants off of PS3 and Xbox 360 at the moment, but according to at least one research group, PS3 will have both Wii and the 360 beat by 2010.

Screen Digest’s Ed Barton says that the rankings of the three next gen consoles in 2010 will be PlayStation 3, then Xbox 360, with Wii a “distant third”.

Barton told Gamasutra that “…we also have a lot of faith in the ability of, in particular, Sony, which we see has really got a huge amount of development resources, and they are backing the PlayStation 3 to enormous unprecedented levels for a first party publisher.”

“One of our core beliefs is that no one buys one of these plastic boxes on technical specs alone, people tend to buy them for content. Our forecasts at the moment are based on the belief that PlayStation 3 has this level of support. The numbers that we’re seeing now for the Nintendo Wii, they’ve come out of the blocks fantastically strongly no one would deny that however it’s incredibly early in the hardware cycle. There’s still another five or six years to play out on this one, and the first big battleground will be Christmas of 2007.”

Considering how sales have been going so far, it’s a bold prediction, to say the least.

25 Responses to “2010 Rankings: PS3 First, Xbox 360, Wii Last”

  1. 1 David

    Maybe, but will they make a profit doing it? In 2010, we’ll all be waiting for the next thing anyway.

  2. 2 LeftyhookzYa

    This was not too hard to predict. I was one of the first to have the XBOX 360. When I played the initial launch titles, I wanted to kill myself. I didn’t have a hi-def TV so all the games were worse than XBOX and PS2.

    A year later, I have an HDTV and 360 released some better games. The system performs much better overall becasue of the updates that download for games.

    I had planned on getting a PS3 and selling it for a huge profit becasue it was obvious that PS3 was going to suffer the same year of CRAPPINESS. I am holding off on getting one now becasue 360 is kicking that crap out PS# for now. I am glad that PS3 will be better in the future because I like that these two companies will constantly have to compete with each other and that is good for consumers.

    Lets not underestimate Nintendo though. No one expected them to do half as well in this battle as they have pulled off. If they can harness this revenue to improve on they NEXT (Next Generation Sytem) with their slick ideas, there is no reason to assume they will not make strides towards being number one.

  3. 3 Xin Zhao

    That’s redicilious.

    People like me buy the Wii because it gives you a gaming experience you cannot get in any other consoles or PCs. That’s a competitive advantage which nobody else has.

    When people think about buying a PS3 they compare it to buying an XBOX 360, or upgrading their PC. The PS3 is expensive right now, but by the time it gets cheap in two years the power on the average PC will again be superior to that of the PS3. So, PS3 and XBOX has LOTS of competition to face right now and long into the future.

    Wii on the otherhand has NO competition. If families want to have fun, play games together with their kids, or just be physically active Wii is the only choice. And that pretty much wraps up about every family in non 3rd world countries in the world.

    Game companies will also pickup on the fact you simply make more money by developing Wii games. WHY? two reasons, one it’s cheap to develop. Two, people BUY Wii games they like as soon as it’s released. This is because Wii games cannot be ported to the PC or other consoles as the “fun” factor will be lost if the games use traditional controllers.

    If you develop a game for a console like PS3, there will most likely be ports and cheap pir8 versions on the PC or XBOX, so most people will be reluctant to buy those games in hope there will be a dodgy PC image released in a week.

    It’s pretty clear that Nintendo will be the major gaming console for the next two decades. (Considering that there will definitly be a more powerful Wii 2 released at some stage. and since the control is patented no other consoles will have access to this technology for another 30 years).

  4. 4 Kay

    Gee, I wish I had a crystal ball, too. Seriously, how do these “research groups” come up with their so-called predictions? Money pays, or what? Company A and B are beating the pants out of Company C, but that doesn’t matter, because according to Miss Cleo, Company C will still win… even when no one buys their product.

  5. 5 Bill G@tes

    Who writes this Sh*t? Is this a Sony site? By the time PS3 gets momentum, the Wii will already have passed 360 in install base. PS3 will sell when xbox and Wii have their next gen out same way the PS2 is doing right now. Nobody cares about Sony anymore.

  6. 6 Ryan

    I actually totally disagree with your post. Wii will be first in the console market with a installed base of 300,000,000, 360 will be second with 40 Million units sold and the PS3 will have a measly 25million user base.

    The PSP has proved high end consoles are not the only option as the DS has smashed all the PSP sales, PSP 12 million unit installed base, DS installed base 39.4 million.

  7. 7 Wii60 owner

    What brand of crack are you smoking?? Wii and XBox 360 will both always be ahead of PS3. PS3 is too expensive and the games are crap. Everything cross platform looks the same or better on Xbox 360 and Nintendo has more original content and characters that gamers like. PS3 is a big joke. Sony screwed up big time and PS3 may just end up burying Sony’s games division.

  8. 8 Dan

    Yeah, thats not gonna hapen there have been a million predictions on the internet. Including one that says the Wii will be in 30% of us homes by 2011. So you should’nt buy a system because of what it’s says because theres just as many websites that are saying the Wii will win. oh by the way, I own a PS2…im getting a Wii.

  9. 9 Kris

    This anonymous prediction will not come true. There is no doubt that Ps3 will rise in sales later on but I believe Wii and Xbox 360 will still be the dominant duo. Yet, every five years brings us new consoles and a whole new war on who is better. Seeing that I wrote this blurb from my Wii, you could almost tell my console pick for the next five years.

  10. 10 si

    You are all forgetting the processing power the PS3 has that has yet to be utilized. In three years the PS3 will be $200 cheaper and the games will be way better that the supremely overrated Wii. The Wii is Wiik. That dumbass joystick is a novelty; it doesn’t offer real control that skilled gamers demand. Playing tennis on it, you have no real control over aim. Its crap. the 360 is the model of the present, the one O own now. But in 2 years I’ll make the switch over to the ps3 and laugh about how all these bone heads predicted the end of Sony.

  11. 11 chris

    ridiculous. claiming Sony outsteps Nintendo in first party support is stupid. Nintendo has always been a leading first party developer. what does matter is market penetration. With the ps2, its core numbers were the highest early on, and that means the 3rd party killer apps come to it. good games goto the console that it will sell the most on. PS. and if otacon is going to follow me around in a little robot in MGS4, i dont think im missing much anyway

  12. 12 min

    Reasearch Screen Digests will be gone BEFORE 2010 and the predictions are unrealistic and out of tune with majority of the consumers and gamers


  13. 13 DIego

    Look people tbe current gen console war is by means going to nintendo and there is nothing Sony can do about it. What is going to happend in the end Is the Race is that it’s going to be very close this generation not like the last one. I dont care if the PS3 has what you call better graphics and awsome gameplay. I played and got bored 15 minutes later. I just belief that u should get what is going to keep you accupied. Y get a PS3 if u can already listen to music in your ipod. Or y get it if you’s one fat gamer that just sits on his ass. Get a Wii and start the revolution.

  14. 14 Bill G@tes

    PS3 $200 cheaper in 3 years???? Get your head outta your @ss. By then NINTENDO and MS will pretty much have another console out. Sony should have skipped this round of next gen wars and held off for another 3 years.

  15. 15 WTF U Smokin'

    March 2007: Screen Digests Ed Barton will enter rehab due to a Mental and Physical breakdown after having a hallucination involving yellow brick roads and winged monkeys flying out of his bum. Hey, sounds more plausible than his prediction!

  16. 16 Mr. Know it All

    This is 100% BS. But there is one thing I can agree with and that is the fact that the “first big battleground will be Christmas of 2007.” Personnally I think it is the deciding battleground. In christmas of 2006 Wii sales and PS3 sales caused 3rd parties to slightly change their directions. They added more support to the Wii and dropped exculsives to the PS3. Christmas 2007 in my view will give us the winner of this gen console wars. Here are my predictions for christmas 2007 and results.

    XBOX 360 - version 2 will already be out so here comes its first price drop. I would guess somewhere between $20 - $50. This will increase sales of course and give it a decently big boost. Wild card is if with the price drop also comes and included game.

    PS3 - Already having a hard time financially they will not have a price cut but will throw in a game with the system to increase sales just slight. Sony needs to make the included game a great one to get sales going. Will guess Grand Turismo but most likely somethine less popular. Wild card is Blue-Ray, if it wins the format war it will increase the PS3 sales.

    Wii - This is where most of us might get suprized. We all know there holding back at least 2 huge 1st party games for christmas 2007 but I think they will go one further. I feel they will hold back more colors for this time but also include with the package will not only be Wii sports but Wii play and maybe even Wii sports 2 or an extra controller set. Mostlikey the three games leaving out the second controller set. Wild card is if nintendo does add one or two included games and throws in the extra control set fully backing the we meaning of the console name.


    On top will be Nintendo (2.5 Mil consoles)because they know christmas 2007 is the biggest desicion maker in 3rd party support for this gen. This is why they are holding back some big guns for this time. Next is XBOX 360 in a close second (2.0 Mil consoles). With the price drop and version 2 having far less red rings of death customers will be more comfortable with buying the system. Third will be the PS3 with no price drop because that may put Sony out of business the PS3 gains some ground with the included Grand Turismo (just under 1.5 Mil sold not shipped). In the end this will give the Wii and 360 the highest 3rd party support with the Wii slightly ahead.

    But of course this could all change come christmas 2007 and the wild cards coming true for a console and not the others.

  17. 17 ZzZ

    i believe that ps3 will win, reason, they have soo much to offer examples of fun - Dance Dance Revolution, SingStar, and The New and improved Eye Toy and other card game simulator using touch sensors which will be wiked!!

  18. 18 Mike Mtz

    pour fuols, they think that in tree years can change the stadist, maybe they need to make study about the economi in varius country to know how or what kind of people will buy a console game HD tv about 1500 dlls to play one game….

    je je je

    we are the play

    living in wii

  19. 19 Linor

    1st— Wii (I have never played wii before)

    2nd— Xbox 360 (I have one and I enjoy it, need some more games “coming soon”)

    3ed— PS3 (Played it. It’s fun but needs a lot more games and a price drop)

  20. 20 MGB

    >>Dance Dance Revolution, SingStar, and The New and improved Eye Toy and other card game simulator using touch sensors which will be wiked!!

  21. 21 Stephen

    I have a Wii, got it at launch, I thought it was fantastic. Played wii sports for about a month, then got zelda, lost interest. Bought Rampage, played it one night, lost interest again.

    I have a PS3, got it at launch opened it at Christmas, I going through resistance for the 4th time, this time on hard, got my girl friend into gaming with Untold Legends, Sonic and Madden are alright.

    I don’t have a 360, but will get one, at least if microsoft can get their hardware to not fail. I have halo 3 reserved but I refuse to buy a console that I have to engineer a special cooling apperatus to keep it working.

    I don’t know who’s going to win, I don’t think anyone does, but with some nice games out for the 360, and some nice games coming out for the PS3 (Motorstorm, FF13, Metal Gear Solid, etc.)

    I believe with Wii will take a lead in the console war, but it will be short lived as many have said the wii is a gimmick.

  22. 22 si

    Mr. GAtes,

    I took my head out of my ass. Hmmm….it seems the Wii is still relying on a wonky controller and crap graphics as it’s core sales pitch. If you’re ten years old, Mr. Gates, then maybe the Wii is for you.

    In three years there will not be new consoles out, there will be PS3 and 360, and this box that nintendo made that works great for families and simpletons, but not for people that enjoy cutting edge graphics and processing power.

    All these people that so quickly point to Sony’s demise forget how long it took for Xbox to make an impact after its intiial release, and also forgets that their share of the Asian market is negligible. The Wii is really not in competition with the other consoles, as it doesn’t offer anything even close to the processing power of the machines. Its for kids and kids only. The consumer buying the Wii is not a gamer, its a family man.

    When the programmers finally get their heads around the programming of the PS3 (which is admittedly quite difficult) and the games start to really look that much better than the 360, all the haters will quietly go buy a sony and switch camps, and all this “sony is dead” babble will slide away.

  23. 23 oui

    “In three years there will not be new consoles out, there will be PS3 and 360, and this box that nintendo made that works great for families and simpletons, but not for people that enjoy cutting edge graphics and processing power.”

    The mass market are those “simpletons and families” so I don’t see how you can prove PS3 would win with this point.

    “The Wii is really not in competition with the other consoles, as it doesnt offer anything even close to the processing power of the machines. Its for kids and kids only. The consumer buying the Wii is not a gamer, its a family man.”

    I’m a gamer and I love the Wii. But I don’t see how processing power determines how much a console would sell. Remember VHS and Betamax, Betamax was more advanced in technology than VHS but VHS won because it appealed to the masses. Whoever can really appeal to the public the most will win and that’s the Nintendo Wii.

  24. 24 Emperor


    As long as Nintendo have Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Pokemon(Though I do not like this game, Wario, Luigi, oh! the real home of Final fantasy you can bet all your Dollars, the big ‘N’ is back. Well I sense that March is approaching and the Wii is still sold out. Hello, Even in the third world mario is Known, we might have had our countries plundered by colonial and national looters, but we are always happy under God’s grace, plus we just love Mario. It is a brighter tomorrow, Even Sonic Knows that. God’s blessings, peace.

  25. 25 Bill G@tes

    In 3 years, the 360 will be 4 years ancient. You’re right. It may be 2 years after that that MS puts out another piece of garbage, and Nintendo will have another system in the works. Wonky controllers??? Wonky enough that PS3 tried to copy it and this new anouncement in hardware that MS going to drop….wonder WTF it could be? Maybe another knock off motion sensing controller? Half of you ***holes bought the PS3 for blueray on your CRT and can’t use it anyway. Nobody is switching camps here…been with nintendo since the 8-bit ages. Don’t forget that the company you back tells you what to do b!tch. Beta, blu ray, get an LCD because Sony for whatever reason has never made a plasma tv that I can remember. Not to mention class actions in root-kits, defective batteries and the next big format mini-discs….I won’t be joining the mindless idiot legion anytime soon.

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